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Metroid, part 2
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A "bastard pop" track consists of two different pieces of music, by two competing or quarreling artists, played back at the same time.

In the world of SID music, the two most well-known composers are Rob Hubbard and Martin Galway. Here's a bastard pop mix of their celebrated tunes Lightforce and Parallax:

This track was refused at remix.kwed.org, because it was "a big confusion to the head". Judge for yourself! =)

In order to create this mix, I had to adjust the tempo of both tracks, and then re-tune one of them to fit the key of the other. Changing the tempo was easy; since SID files contain 6502 machine code, all I had to do was locate the initialization subroutine of each tune, and add a few assembly language instructions to set up the CIA timer registers.

Then I had to re-tune one of the songs, and it ended up being Parallax. Luckily, the playroutine relied upon a frequency table that was rather easy to locate within the SID file. I wrote a program that would read the table from the file, multiply each value with a tuning factor, and then write the new table back to the file. Finding the correct tuning factor was a matter of trial-and-error.

The drums were generated using a home-brewn beat box program and the timidity MIDI sequencer.

Posted Sunday 24-Dec-2006 13:10

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Linus Walleij
Wed 17-Oct-2007 21:55
As with many decisions on inclusion/non-inclusion at remix.kwed.org this puzzles me. The song totally rocks, and feature the same kind of whirling, twisting movements and modulation that make the two original pieces so endlessly enjoyable.

Grumpily stated if they prefer easy listening they can just go for Klaus Wunderlich or Roland Cedermark immediately and not pass by the infinite design space of enjoyment that the SID is.

But well it's their decision and the song sits nicely on this page, too.
Sun 25-Nov-2007 05:36
Can't agree more with this post.

triad wrote:

As with many decisions on inclusion/non-inclusion at remix.kwed.org this puzzles me. The song totally rocks, and feature the same kind of whirling, twisting movements and modulation that make the two original pieces so endlessly enjoyable.

Grumpily stated if they prefer easy listening they can just go for Klaus Wunderlich or Roland Cedermark immediately and not pass by the infinite design space of enjoyment that the SID is.

But well it's their decision and the song sits nicely on this page, too.
Anders Carlsson [Zapac]
Tue 22-Jan-2008 11:49
Den var ju kanonbra, för att tala svenska! Just finessen att blanda låtar, antingen samtidigt eller efter varandra (s.k. potpurri eller medley som det heter på engelska) är bland det bästa jag vet. Det finns så många SID:ar som påminner om varandra att man skulle kunna göra en hel CD med remixar bara på temat 1+1=3, t.ex. om Fred Gray och Tommy Dunbar är avlägset släkt?
Fri 23-Jul-2010 11:39
I love this!

Just makes you think what other amazing pieces of music have been turned down considering some tunes on there are very poor.