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Chip music

Live at LCP 2011

I was given the opportunity to perform live with my chipophone at Little Computer People in Lund. Here is a recording of the concert, courtesy of SceneSat, along with video provided by members of the audience.

Aztec Challenge and Spellbound

Pokémon TCG and Lazy Jones

Think Twice III, DuckTales (Moon) and Supremacy

International Karate and Mega Man 3

Enlightenment: Druid II and Koyaanisqatsi / Delta

LFF and One Man And His Droid

Encore: Monty High Score

Posted Sunday 21-Aug-2011 12:20

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Sat 27-Aug-2011 16:08
Was anyone recording the live performance with decent equipment? It would be very nice to have it in OGG format, for instance!
Thu 6-Oct-2011 23:00
just awesome!
Wed 11-Apr-2012 14:32
Was anyone recording the live performance with decent equipment? It would be very nice to have it in OGG format, for instance!

It was part of SceneSat's show at http://scenesat.com/show/201
Direct download of the show => http://scenesat.com/download/show/201/Ziphoid_-_LCP_weekend_part_1_-_20110805.mp3
CUE file => http://scenesat.com/playlist/201/cue/Ziphoid_-_LCP_weekend_part_1_-_20110805.cue
Thu 20-Dec-2012 21:25
Great , like it !
Also great lff performance !
Gtx JG of IFT
Max Porshnev
Fri 25-Jan-2013 09:30
Heh! There is a russian song called "Позвони мне, позвони..." (1981). Did Rob Hubbard take the melody for "One Man And His Droid" from that song? :-)
Thu 10-Sep-2015 21:55
I'd still like to see comic bakery loader theme played on this device.