A cover of the song Sommarfågel by Wintergatan, performed on a selection of my homemade 8-bit and 16-bit instruments.
Instruments in order of appearance
- The Paulimba (running on an Amiga 600) named after Paula, the Amiga sound chip, and the kalimba that I sampled.
- The C=TAR, a modified Commodore 64 played as a bass guitar (with sunglasses) and later as a lead instrument (without).
- A custom drumkit program running on an Amiga 500, based on the same code as the Paulimba but loaded with drum samples.
- The Chipophone, an electric organ that I rebuilt into an 8-bit instrument back in 2010.
- Padme (Amiga 500), software for playing chord pads based on Shepard tones.
- A Commodore 64 BASIC program that plays a noise waveform gradually rising in pitch.
- Qwertuoso, my software for playing music live on a Commodore 64 keyboard.
- The Tenor Commodordion with bellows made out of floppy disks.
- A 5.25" floppy disk smacked against my hand.
Here's the original Wintergatan song on YouTube.
Posted Friday 25-Oct-2024 08:51
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Wed 30-Oct-2024 21:43
Wed 30-Oct-2024 21:43
Beyond amazing.