Think Twice III
The C64 demo Think Twice III, released by The Judges in 1987, is perhaps best known for its soundtrack by Jeroen Kimmel (Red). This is my Chipophone interpretation of the classic SID power ballad.
- lft_chipophone_thinktwice3 (DivX, 148.7 MB)
- Linus Akesson - Chipophone - Think Twice III (MP3, 5.8 MB)
First, a loop consisting of bass and snare drum is recorded. Then, the pedals are used to transpose the loop throughout the tune. The lower manual controls an arpeggiated pulse wave, while the upper manual controls the solo lead (first as a fixed-width pulse wave, later with pulse width modulation).
Posted Sunday 12-Sep-2010 18:41
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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.
Mon 13-Sep-2010 09:25
Keep up the awesome.
Tue 14-Sep-2010 18:55
Sun 19-Sep-2010 00:55
Keep up the good work!
-- LLB
Tue 5-Oct-2010 06:05
Totally awesome organ you have there! "Powered by 6581" :-)
Thanks for taking interest in my tune for Think Twice III.. - You played it LIVE almost to the absolute note and effects! KUDOOS to you !!
In the last bit of my C64 programming we built Dual-SIDs into our machines. And that gave me 6 channels to play with, plus the effect of Stereo.. And to top it off I would channel the output through a sound-processor that would sample and add some "reverberation" or "echo" effects to the sound which made it sound really fantastic..
Gee those were the best times hey?
Keep up the great work and let me know when you take another one of my tunes to perform? – I am flattered!
Jeroen Kimmel
Linus Åkesson
Fri 8-Oct-2010 07:31
Totally awesome organ you have there! "Powered by 6581" :-)
Thanks for taking interest in my tune for Think Twice III.. - You played it LIVE almost to the absolute note and effects! KUDOOS to you !!
In the last bit of my C64 programming we built Dual-SIDs into our machines. And that gave me 6 channels to play with, plus the effect of Stereo.. And to top it off I would channel the output through a sound-processor that would sample and add some "reverberation" or "echo" effects to the sound which made it sound really fantastic..
Gee those were the best times hey?
Keep up the great work and let me know when you take another one of my tunes to perform? – I am flattered!
Jeroen Kimmel
Hello Jeroen!
Thanks for your kind feedback! I'm glad that you liked my interpretation.
Also, just to clarify, there is no actual SID chip in the Chipophone. The sound is coming from an 8-bit microcontroller that I've programmed to generate similar sounds.
Sun 25-Dec-2011 14:32
For the first part of the song you have a fixed camera setup - can you tell me how you sync those? I assume it was all filmed in one take and you probably use some free software. Also, are they webcams or something else?
Mon 17-Dec-2012 16:51
I had forgotten about it since then up until now. I can't describe how happy I am now that I have found it again.
Kudos to you for building such a nice chipofone, mastering the tune and Jeroen for composing it in the first place.