One man and his piano
This is my cover of Rob Hubbard's One Man And His Droid. Please excuse my occasionally rather poor technical skills. =)
- Linus Akesson - One Man And His Piano (MP3, 6.2 MB)
Massive kudos to Linus Walleij for lending me his MiniDisc, and helping out with the noise reduction.
Feedback, please!
P.S. You might also want to check out Parallax for piano.
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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.
Wed 28-May-2008 18:48
Thu 29-May-2008 21:11
But this version, being quite horrible at times, can't be improved much on i guess using only a piano, other than just fixing the off-key sounds - i don't think the original has any off-key notes.
It was a good try at that but i'd rather listen to the SID instead.
Fri 18-Jul-2008 19:43
Fri 19-Sep-2008 18:58
Eddy-B wrote:
This is one of my favorite Hubbard tunes.But this version, being quite horrible at times, can't be improved much on i guess using only a piano, other than just fixing the off-key sounds - i don't think the original has any off-key notes.
It was a good try at that but i'd rather listen to the SID instead.
Thu 2-Oct-2008 14:44
Good job with the song!!
Wed 5-Nov-2008 19:40
Wed 8-Apr-2009 21:33
Wed 6-May-2009 20:41
Linus Åkesson
Wed 6-May-2009 20:52
This is one recording. No edits or overdubs.
Fri 5-Mar-2010 14:17
Doesnt sound easy on piano that one. Impressive playing :-)
Wed 25-Jan-2017 18:57
I'd love to see a video recorded version :)