Getting string input
Back to the TI-83 pageFirst of all, we put a prompt at 821ch. Max 16 chars.
Then we call PGMIO_EXEC with the String Input command.
ld a,0 ;code for STRING input ld (ASM_IND_CALL),a call PGMIO_EXEC ;defined in"}
Now OP1 contains the name of a temporary string variable. The string contains tokens, but if you're only interested in alphanumeric input that doesn't matter, because uppercase letters and digits are still ascii.
This routine is an example of how to display the string without checking for tokens like sin(.
call _CHKFINDSYM ex de,hl ;hl is start of string data ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl ;bc is length of string ld a,b or c ;length = 0 ? ret z ;return if so loop: push bc ld a,(hl) ;get a character call _putc pop bc dec bc ld a,b or c ;done yet? jr nz,loop ;no -> loop back call _newline ret
And of course:
prompt: .db \"Inp:\",0 prompt_len = $-prompt
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Wed 25-Mar-2009 17:56
Wed 25-Mar-2009 17:57
Linus Åkesson
Thu 26-Nov-2009 16:04
man 3 fgets
(or use read(2) if you don't want to link with libc)
Sun 26-May-2013 17:21
Tue 14-Aug-2018 19:12