Forum comments in chronological order

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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Oct 2008

One man and his piano

Thu 2-Oct-2008 14:44
I really like this "live" recording!! Ok, the sound quality is far from top notch but that's kinda what makes it so good i.m.o. When it comes to the performance there are a few errors here and there but that's noting that bothers me. Heck, I have a hard time playing "Twinkle twinkle little star on a piano" with one hand, and even harder trying to add a single bass note here and there to the melody... but hey, I'm a guitar/bass and drums player. =)

Good job with the song!!


Wed 8-Oct-2008 02:08
Thank you for this. I love your version above the actual concert version I found online - your version emphasizes the otherworldly chord progressions which I love the most about this piece. Especially the final part with the lowpass filter works very well.


Thu 9-Oct-2008 05:35
Absolutely amazing! Easily the most brilliant demo I've seen in years, possibly ever!

Now get an ATmega1284p (16K RAM) clocked at 20 MHz and do some REALLY fancy stuff! :-)

Thu 9-Oct-2008 05:45
Absolutely amazing! Easily the most brilliant demo I've seen in years, possibly ever!

Now get an ATmega1284p (16K RAM) clocked at 20 MHz and do some REALLY fancy stuff! :-)


Where's the man's hat?

Tue 14-Oct-2008 23:47
Moving. Would read again.


Fri 17-Oct-2008 23:02
Oj, den här är jättebra. Fångar ett ögonblick precis som en haiku ska!


Mon 20-Oct-2008 21:39
This is most impressive, great work!
-- Jonas Norberg

A case against syntax highlighting

Thu 23-Oct-2008 19:29
Agreed. My highlighting is very reduced (black font in general, green comments, bold keywords, blue strings).

Parallax for piano

Fri 24-Oct-2008 16:11
Wow.... that was mind-blowing


Tue 28-Oct-2008 16:36
Is anyone else having trouble viewing the fullscreen rip video? I can't seem to get it to play properly, even after an hour or so of messing with codecs. ~_~