Forum comments in chronological order

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what people (other than myself) write in the forums. Please report any abuse, such as insults, slander, spam and illegal material, and I will take appropriate actions. Don't feed the trolls.

Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Aug 2011


Mon 1-Aug-2011 11:58
Brilliant, thank you.

Pipe Logic

Tue 2-Aug-2011 12:11
If there is a NAND, people will build computers. I've seen that effect with Minecraft. But using unix pipes is just awesome, too :D

The Chipophone

Wed 3-Aug-2011 06:08
how does one go about learning the kind of technology used in this and how to work with it?

Linus appears to have done this from the ground up (for which he seems to be getting the respect he deserves), but there are open-source tools and guides to create equivalent stuff at and, including keyboard MIDIfication and building MIDI synthesizers based on SID (C64), OPL3 (PC), and AY-3-8910 (Intellivision/Vectrex) chips.

After seeing this, I hope Linus takes a moment to peruse our community (if he hasn't already), to see some of the fun we're having!

A case against syntax highlighting

Wed 3-Aug-2011 15:14
Greetz lft!

I agree with you in that syntax highlighting generally slowing down code interpreting, since besides the textual information, the coder's brain have to interpret color information too.
But this is the general case.
As you written in your article, comment blocks are an exceptions, but another exception is string blocks. It is much more easy to find an unterminated string if strings are highlighted.
If colours marks blocks, then you don't have to necessarily interpret textual data, like direct code interpretation, so it is making reading quicker. The slowing down problem only appears when you have to interpret both textual and colour information.

So i think the ideal solution is somewhere between your theory and the eyecandy highlighting:
blocks with different function (code, comment, string) have different colour. I think even different code blocks should have other colors in mixed languaged sources (HTML/JS, C/ASM, PHP/SQL), because if you can narrow down the possible locations of the error, then your brain can orientate more easily, between code blocks, because the visible colour borders and you can concentrate immediately on the block wich holds the problem.

Syntax highlight are not bad in all cases, it is about the way of highlighting, that determines it will accelerate or decelerate reading.

Did not read the posts before me, do not know if someone said this before me.

Like your stuffs! Cheerz! (And sorry for bad english.)

Pipe Logic

Fri 5-Aug-2011 16:35
sysctl kernel.pid_max to boost available pids on linux! The default is just a legacy limit on linux - some old tools will break if you increase it past 65535.

The Chipophone

Fri 5-Aug-2011 23:13
When I watched your video.. it was like the first time I ever saw a video game or a computer.. that crazy excitement that you get, kinda like falling in love! This is seriously wonderful! I hope I can have the privilege of owning one of these some day. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

-- Kattywampus

Vim code

Fri 19-Aug-2011 10:17
You really should get out more often.
He is just extraordinarily intelligent ;) Great work.

Still Alive

Fri 19-Aug-2011 14:16
Very nice, really. Maybe Gabriela's voice should be mixed a little louder? In some parts chip tune covers the vocal...


Mon 22-Aug-2011 14:23

does this problem have a solution?


Mon 22-Aug-2011 15:48
I heard Fraters for a choir in Tallinn, Part's native city, a few weeks back with the master present - it was sublime. Thank you for your analysis, which I found rather interesting.

A case against syntax highlighting

Tue 23-Aug-2011 23:25
I don't see highlighting as a tool to catch errors when I'm writing code, I've been programming for so many years that syntax errors are not a common problem. When they do occur, I usually understand the problem from the compiler output.

On the other hand I use both highlighting and visible tabs as a way to help me visualize the structure of the code - code as plain text looks “flat” to me.

Whenever I'm reading code, I'm not reading it sequentially from beginning to end; I might be starting on the overall structure, then narrowing in on the interesting part.
I do not like being distracted by non-code so I like comments and strings in different colors that don't stand out. Instead of pulling the attention to the highlighted code you might say that I'm pulling the attention away from uninteresting parts of the code.

If you asked me which colors I use, I wouldn't be able to answer you; I can't remember. I think I use at least three different colorschemes on a regular basis, depending on whether I'm browsing the code in an editor, a repository browser and so on.
Common for them all is that they're non-obtrusive, keeping the black normal text as the part that stands out the most. (Yes, I prefer black text on a light background.)

Monty High Score

Wed 24-Aug-2011 17:36
What is that home computer on the desk?

Live at LCP 2011

Sat 27-Aug-2011 16:08
Was anyone recording the live performance with decent equipment? It would be very nice to have it in OGG format, for instance!


Sat 27-Aug-2011 18:52
Wow......... You have done a 4-Mat of ANARCHY Tune.....!

I was in ANARCHY, (Judge Drokk) founded it in 1989, and killed it in 1993.

4-Mat was the SOn of Hubbard as far as chip music was concerned...... in my opinion.

Regards........ Oh....... And the ChipoPhone is amazing. I could watch & listen all day!
Sat 27-Aug-2011 18:53
Wow......... You have done a 4-Mat of ANARCHY Tune.....!

I was in ANARCHY, (Judge Drokk) founded it in 1989, and killed it in 1993.

4-Mat was the SOn of Hubbard as far as chip music was concerned...... in my opinion.

Regards........ Oh....... And the ChipoPhone is amazing. I could watch & listen all day!