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Jan 2024

A Mind Is Born

Jones Kamikaze
Sat 6-Jan-2024 20:51
Running this on Vice doesn't work. it plays the first 0.1 to 1 seconds of it, then resets.
This program works well in Vice.
Did you load the prg-file?
If not:
You can not poke the program with a basic program reading data in a loop, because you then overwrite your basic program at adress 2049.
Remember that the first two bytes are not part of the program, but part of the program file: 01 08 is the start address $0801(=2049) where the program is loaded.
What you can do: You can poke each byte with a seperate poke command, no basic lines involved.
Or you can write the bytes with a basic program into a program file.
Vice has a monitor (Alt+H), verify that the bytes are correct loaded! use d 0801 for dumping the start of the program, and d again to show the next bytes.
Kind regards,
Jones Kamikaze
Sat 6-Jan-2024 22:42
A program that writes the bytes to a file "a-mind-is-born" on a disk.
Can be copied and pasted in Vice.
Remember to create and attach a disk image for drive #8 first.
This program works also on a real C64 with a disk drive.

100 open1,8,1,"a-mind-is-born"
110 print#1,chr$(1);chr$(8);
120 for i=1to254:printi;
130 read a$:print a$;
140 h=asc(left$(a$,1))-asc("0"):ifh>9thenh=h-7
150 l=asc(right$(a$,1))-asc("0"):ifl>9thenl=l-7
160 print h*16+l
170 print#1,chr$(h*16+l);
180 next i
190 close 1
200 end
1000 data 0d,08,ff,d3,9e,32,32,32,35,00,00,00,19,41,1c,d0
1010 data 00,dc,00,00,11,d0,e0,0b,10,33,0e,61,90,f5,07,00
1020 data ff,1f,14,41,d5,24,15,25,15,53,15,61,d5,29,1b,0f
1030 data e6,13,e6,13,d0,02,e6,20,a9,61,85,1c,a7,20,e0,3f
1040 data f0,08,90,0c,4e,11,d0,6c,fc,ff,a0,6d,84,22,84,d7
1050 data 4a,4b,1c,a8,a5,13,29,30,d0,02,c6,1c,e0,2f,f0,11
1060 data b0,02,a2,02,c9,10,f0,09,8a,29,03,aa,b5,f3,85,0a
1070 data 2d,ab,00,b0,11,b7,22,b6,21,95,00,a5,13,4b,0e,aa
1080 data cb,f8,86,cc,49,07,85,0b,a5,13,29,0f,d0,0f,a9,b8
1090 data 47,14,90,02,85,14,29,07,aa,b5,f7,85,12,a0,08,b7
1100 data 0d,91,0f,88,10,f9,a8,b7,09,91,03,88,d0,f9,4c,7e
1110 data ea,78,8e,86,02,8e,21,d0,20,44,e5,a2,fd,bd,02,08
1120 data 95,02,ca,d0,f8,8e,15,03,4c,cc,00,a9,50,8d,11,d0
1130 data 58,ad,04,dc,a0,c3,0d,1c,d4,48,4b,04,a0,30,8c,18
1140 data d0,71,cb,e6,cb,71,cb,6a,05,20,a0,58,05,d5,91,cb
1150 data d0,df,2b,aa,02,62,00,18,26,20,12,24,13,10,00,00


have fun!

I am truly in awe and want to thank Linus Åkesson for this exceptional piece of art!

SID theme search engine

Sun 7-Jan-2024 03:35
Hah, this actually worked quite well for me, very cool!


Sun 7-Jan-2024 17:25
Title: Level 21
Author: Jean-Pierre Kent
Sun 7-Jan-2024 17:28
Tue 9-Jan-2024 02:45
This one *actually* has to be impossible. All the moves are forced and create a deadlock afaik?

UULLUURDR, try solving from there :)

Chuck Rock

Tue 16-Jan-2024 03:16
You are a genious!!!

The evolution of C64 games 1982–2023

Fri 19-Jan-2024 13:26
What is the game in 1984 after Ghostbusters please? It totally looks like second level (prison) of Another World that came year later.
Fri 19-Jan-2024 13:31
What is the game in 1984 after Ghostbusters please? It totally looks like second level (prison) of Another World that came year later.

* Years later (not a year)
Linus Åkesson
Fri 19-Jan-2024 14:24
What is the game in 1984 after Ghostbusters please?

I've added the list of games now, by popular demand. I think you're referring to Impossible Mission.
Sat 20-Jan-2024 12:17
wow !! very nice video! hugs to you and your husband!
Linus Åkesson
Sat 20-Jan-2024 16:57
wow !! very nice video! hugs to you and your husband!

Well, wife if we're going to split hairs. But the hugs are appreciated!
Sun 21-Jan-2024 17:43
Surprised by the beauty of this. I was expecting a discourse, possibly dry and lengthy and got something entirely different, something gorgeous and wonderful. Thank you for the work that went into this and for the moment to bond with a stranger in this way about a machine that has been a part of my life for so long.

The TTY demystified

Fri 26-Jan-2024 07:24
Coming from 2024, great article!!