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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Jul 2010

Beagleboard VGA output

Thu 8-Jul-2010 20:10
Is not the VGA signal peak level 0.7V? every vga module data sheet, vga spec and web documents state this, sync being TTL level 5v, and rgb 0.7v, even the TI Video DACS (THS3185, THS8200) state a 700mV peak level for white

From information in the net, only some non standard monitors use 1v level


Or this beacuse the blanking level is 350mV and this offsets the 700mV to be 1v peak white?


Fri 9-Jul-2010 11:00
Love it! So much so that I'm building my own, but I'm curious about the 442 resistors. That's a really odd value, even if I read it like an SMD part and get 4.4k. Is the value critical, or can I get away with a 4.7k?
Sat 10-Jul-2010 19:40
Love it! So much so that I'm building my own, but I'm curious about the 442 resistors. That's a really odd value, even if I read it like an SMD part and get 4.4k. Is the value critical, or can I get away with a 4.7k?

Wait, I just realised it's in an R-2R ladder arrangement with the 220ohm resistors. There's actually plenty of room in the stripboard layout to replace each 442 with a pair of 220s in series, so I'll do that instead of sourcing resistors out of E48. :D

The TTY demystified

Wed 14-Jul-2010 03:21
What Randy Kramer said.


Thu 15-Jul-2010 07:49
I just realised it's in an R-2R ladder arrangement with the 220ohm resistors.

And just as quickly realised that I was thinking of the Craft schematic instead of Phasor's. Oops! :)

Anyway, I just finished building it, and it works beautifully! Thanks lft!


Tue 20-Jul-2010 12:25
Sinistra (sinistra92)

This is really amazing,
I am into digital electronics as well, therefore it's a mine of information for me.

Thank you for such a great avr project.

The Chipophone

Nick Sargente
Thu 22-Jul-2010 05:23
The effect on a standard organ known as a Leslie created by a spinning motor creates a Doppler effect, the effect can be heard in acid rock songs such as the Pink Floyd song "On the Run". does your organ have one of these? It's a real neat feature, on a second note, would you ever be willing to release the schematics/Rom of that midi board? I'm thinking of making a chipophone myself.
Linus Åkesson
Thu 22-Jul-2010 06:48

Primis wrote:

The effect on a standard organ known as a Leslie created by a spinning motor creates a Doppler effect, the effect can be heard in acid rock songs such as the Pink Floyd song "On the Run". does your organ have one of these?

No, there was no Leslie speaker in it. Everything was solid state except the reverb.

Primis wrote:

on a second note, would you ever be willing to release the schematics/Rom of that midi board? I'm thinking of making a chipophone myself.

I'll think about it. The code might need a little cleaning up first. =)
Thu 22-Jul-2010 13:18
This would rock in a classic NES color-scheme.

Binary Art

Thu 22-Jul-2010 13:48
024 - 00011000 - War

It worth to note that this artwork (24 in decimal) is right next to the other masterpiece : "Love" (23 in decimal).

Love is war.

http://www.google.co.uk/search?q="love is war"&btnI=I

The Chipophone

Thu 22-Jul-2010 14:15
Good job! I hope you're doing something cool with the drum unit of the organ as well :)

Thu 22-Jul-2010 15:10
Delightful, absolutely delightful!

I would love to build one of those some day. I second the request for schematics if you ever feel you have the time to get around to it :)
Thu 22-Jul-2010 17:03
Ubernice... hope where will be some nice chiptune songs out soon...

maybe clint mansell - requiem for a dream or rob dougan - clubbed to death

to start with?
Thu 22-Jul-2010 17:34
amazing work! i really liked listening to those classics you played in the video. all the best.

(seconding the request for schematics+code, the nerdcore community needs as many open hardware geek instruments as we can get :)
Thu 22-Jul-2010 18:27
Amazing work, and very good tunes you played! It was a present for my hears.
phil durham
Thu 22-Jul-2010 18:50
how long did this project take to complete? regardless, it was worth it. fantastic job.
Thu 22-Jul-2010 19:27
Impressive and my congratulations from one low level sw/hw nerd to (apparently) another :)
Thu 22-Jul-2010 19:34
This Is so awesome, keep up the good work !

I'm posting your presentation video on my blog, (http://ultrazapping.tumblr.com/post/845844888/linus-akessons-chipophone) if you don't want me to, shoot me a message on my "ask me" page and I'll remove it.

Thu 22-Jul-2010 21:09
Hope to see the chipophone in action in the next parties ! Come to the Main 2010 !

Linus, you're damn crazy but brillant !


Making the Chipophone

Thu 22-Jul-2010 21:52
Sir, this is the most awesome thing of the day. You would rock at Comic Con!

The Chipophone

Thu 22-Jul-2010 21:53
This would rock in a classic NES color-scheme.
I disagree, I like the stealthy look of a plain old electric organ, it adds to the mystique of the instrument. Like a sleeper car.
Also, chiptune isn't exclusive to NES... jeez.
Thu 22-Jul-2010 22:42
Sweet! Another epic chiptune invention from Linus :D
Looking forward to schematics, etc :)



Thu 22-Jul-2010 22:44
I really like this form of music, not just because it brings back awesome memories, but because it's awesome in its own right. Please keep making more tunes (videogame, and original if you feel like it) and posting them on youtube so I can listen and be brought back to the good ol days :)

Making the Chipophone

Thu 22-Jul-2010 23:29
I am completely in love with the Chipophone! I neds one!

The Chipophone

Thu 22-Jul-2010 23:41
Name your price. Don't wanna sell? Name your price to make another one.

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 00:02
How much would it cost to have you build me one?

A case against syntax highlighting

Fri 23-Jul-2010 00:18
i agree with most of the pre-commentators. syntax highlighting basicly adds another dimension to visuallizing the hierarchy of the code, like indentation does. i am a novice programmer, but i never found myself thinking about the syntax highlighting, unlike stated in the article. i merely notice when it isnt there, unlike automatic indentation. i see the main purpose for writing code, not for reading it. when i miss a quotation mark or misstype a language keyword, the mistakes are easy to spot.

additionally, colors make your code look much more friendly :)

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 00:19
This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen, props to you man for having the initiative to actually go through with this conversion. Cheers

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 01:12
OUTSTANDING!!!! At first I thought it was dubbed because of the mic hiss was drowned out, up until he played MM2 , my personal absolute favorite, and had faltered a bit (a very hard piece) and then I knew it was real.

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 03:15
holy fuck! this is good. very *very* good!

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 03:47
This is one of the most wonderful things I've ever seen on the web. NICE WORK.
Fri 23-Jul-2010 04:00
What are the names of the other knobs and switches?
Fri 23-Jul-2010 04:34
You are a hero!

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 04:48
Linus, Bravo! great project, beautiful job, Thanks for sharing. N3, Detroit Michigan, United States
Fri 23-Jul-2010 05:27
You are a genius!
Fri 23-Jul-2010 05:47
the thing you wrote about the pedal struck me as a very creative solution back in the days. friggin awesome to use photo sensitivity in this context. good to see the love you have for life, music, technology and with everything that you do. cheers!

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 05:49
That was incredible! Well done!
Alex Hatch
Fri 23-Jul-2010 06:13

Primis wrote:

The effect on a standard organ known as a Leslie created by a spinning motor creates a Doppler effect, the effect can be heard in acid rock songs such as the Pink Floyd song "On the Run". does your organ have one of these? It's a real neat feature, on a second note, would you ever be willing to release the schematics/Rom of that midi board? I'm thinking of making a chipophone myself.

yes i would love to recreate at least the MIDI synthesizer part :)
Fri 23-Jul-2010 07:52
Thank you very much for sharing this work of art. Enjoyed your demo with great interest. You will become a celebrity amongst 8-bit video game lovers. Thank you again, from Canada.

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 07:57
Well done man, seriously. Thank you for doing this. I would love to buy one if you ever start selling them. You stand to make a good amount of money I assume.
Fri 23-Jul-2010 08:14
AWESOME! Ge mig!
Fri 23-Jul-2010 08:46
Fri 23-Jul-2010 08:54
You're my hero.
Fri 23-Jul-2010 08:57


Fri 23-Jul-2010 09:08
Im surprised you did'nt build the screen yourself too.

Hate to admit it, but the only word I can think of: awesome!

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 09:09
The sheer beauty of this project knocked me off my feet. Kudos to you Linus for a project that shows what dedication (and a little bit of craziness ;-)) can achieve, even in the scene... Are you planning on going into production?
Greetings from Heidelberg Germany and thank you so much for the warm nostalgic feeling these sounds released in me

The hardware chiptune project

Fri 23-Jul-2010 09:27
I have to ask, what is the name of the R2R ladder? its not a very common part if your not looking for it.

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 10:19
Wow! Very cool!


Fri 23-Jul-2010 10:33
Amazing. I saw Pex "Mahoney" Tufvesson release a BIT Live demo in Brighton a few years ago and the theme tune was Spellbound. Love the tune, amazing to see you play that on the Chipophone!

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 10:44
Absolutely amazing! Looking forward to more video's!
Fri 23-Jul-2010 10:50
This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen, props to you man for having the initiative to actually go through with this conversion. Cheers
Fri 23-Jul-2010 11:06
This is the coolest shit ever! You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 11:11
The instrument is second to your amazing skills playing it.
My Childhood memories of these tunes came flooding back, truly amazing.
Thanks for making my day a lot brighter.
Fri 23-Jul-2010 11:33
You, Sir, are an artist and a gentleman. I salute you.


Fri 23-Jul-2010 11:39
I love this!

Just makes you think what other amazing pieces of music have been turned down considering some tunes on there are very poor.

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 11:44
I'm blown away, well done.
Fri 23-Jul-2010 11:56
Fantastic. Definitely (and please) release the schematics.

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 12:16
your my nerd-idol!

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 12:21
Hej, det här var absolut det bästa jag sett & hört för en /lång/ tid. Det där med Megaman 2 fick mig att rentav fälla tårar. Så vackert. Tack. -Janne

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 12:27
Totally awesome!
Fri 23-Jul-2010 13:07
YOU ROCK! Fantastic work! You, Sir, are truly a man for all seasons!
Fri 23-Jul-2010 13:20
I'm glad that a chip-tune enthusiast also appreciates the value of a good spring reverb!

Great job on this! Amazing to read about what you've done. I hope you write some original compositions for the Chipophone.
Fri 23-Jul-2010 13:48
This is truly amazing, You just made my day!

cheers from Iceland

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 13:48
There are money to earn here, Linus... Well done. I want it. /Thomas Bjerring

The Swan

Fri 23-Jul-2010 13:57
Are you familiar with Clara Rockmore's Theramin rendition of this song?

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 13:57
the sounds warm my heart, nicely done :)
Fri 23-Jul-2010 14:22
This would rock in a classic NES color-scheme.
I disagree, I like the stealthy look of a plain old electric organ, it adds to the mystique of the instrument. Like a sleeper car.
Also, chiptune isn't exclusive to NES... jeez.

Fully agree, I love the sleeper look.. people will just think it's an old hammond or such, then you sit down and (masterfully) rock out the chiptunes.. LOVE this project.. Hope to see many synth projects from you for sure.. I have a few of my own as well (a2sidedcoin on youtube). Congrats!!

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 14:58
Great stuff! Seeing someone as talented in the technical way as in artistic measures makes me happy. Please keep on posting new music on youtube - you could even invite fellow scene musicians to do live-sets at your house, so you don´t have to do it all by yourself. I would love to see / hear zyron or fanta or... what about reyn?

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 15:21
ups for schematics!.. this baby is amazing! Linus, you are talented as the day is long!

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 16:06
brilliant. absolutely brilliant.
Fri 23-Jul-2010 16:09
I would love to build the synth to use as a sound source. Are you planning to make schematics and source available? Or at least a pre-programmed AVR chip?

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 16:11
Mycket bra! Kan du spelar på min lägenheter? I Kanada? lol.

ta det lugnt!

(ursäkta, min svenska är inte så bra) ;)

The Canadian

A case against syntax highlighting

Fri 23-Jul-2010 16:23
I think it's more on the part of the programmer rather than the program you're editing your code in. As a programmer, I make my code readable because it's the right thing to do. Highlighting has never been a hindrance to me, because I never relied on it. I learned about highlighting long after I started programming. I don't use a debugger, I still actually add lines to show me what's been done... Call me old-school, or weird. But good code helps others, as well as you, know what you meant to do. Just like commenting your code.

But I also like Syntax Highlighting. It's something that actually helps me program. I got into my Highlighting area, and added words I know I'll use. Everything that has to do with strings is one color, math functions another. It makes it easy for me to see where things are happening in the program. Yet it's not a crutch or a training wheel, because I don't rely on it. Without it, I can still chart the flow of my program.

I see your point about not starting with it. However, I don't see a reason to get rid of it. I learned to program in BASIC. While BASIC can do things, that doesn't mean that I should have never graduated to C or further because those things help me do things faster. A good analogy would be this. You start in BASIC. Now, you move on to either C or Fortran. Well, some people prefer C and some prefer Fortran. OK, so program in the one you want to. And if you replace C with "Syntax Highlighting", and Fortran with "Syntax Non-Highlighting" there you go. Use what feels right.

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 16:31
Absolutely fantastic! Well done!
Fri 23-Jul-2010 16:35
You're a genius and an inspiration. Way to go!
Yarron Katz - Sonic Brilliance Studios

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 16:36
Wonderful project! Congrats!

Regarding why they used the light bulb/photoresistor setup for the expression (volume) pedal - all electric organs at that time took at least some design inspiration from the original Hammond organs - the expression pedals in classic tonewheel Hammonds use an air-variable capacitor - the moving parts don't directly contact each other, which makes for a wonderfully quiet pedal (electronically & physically) that won't ever get scratchy. I'd bet the pedal in your organ was designed with that in mind - they may have found that pots available at the time weren't up to it.


Fri 23-Jul-2010 16:48
I am quite amazed, not only is your build incredible, the music is actually really awesome, props from me ;)

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 16:58
if you ever want to sell this one, or build a new one for cash. Let me know beleg_1998@yahoo.com

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 17:38
You, Sir, seem to be shitting with us. Want to tell us where that noise disappears to the time you supposedly play it yourself? Next time try a microphone which has a lot of noice if you record.
Fri 23-Jul-2010 17:39


Fri 23-Jul-2010 17:55
Sjukt bra, mycket vackert. En tanke vore nog att kontakta LinCon eller GothCon. De kan nog vara intresserade av att boka dig :)

The Chipophone

Linus Åkesson
Fri 23-Jul-2010 18:02

phil wrote:

how long did this project take to complete? regardless, it was worth it. fantastic job.

Hard to say how many effective hours I spent on it, because it was done sporadically over the course of a year.

The Swan

Linus Åkesson
Fri 23-Jul-2010 18:04
Are you familiar with Clara Rockmore's Theramin rendition of this song?

Yes, I am. She plays it beautifully!

Making the Chipophone

Linus Åkesson
Fri 23-Jul-2010 18:12
You, Sir, seem to be shitting with us. Want to tell us where that noise disappears to the time you supposedly play it yourself? Next time try a microphone which has a lot of noice if you record.

Sure, but several youtube commenters have already figured out the answer to this question independently, actually. =) The output from the chipophone was routed to a separate track, which was mixed in afterwards during editing. The volume of the speech track was lowered so the sound from my monitor speaker wouldn't interfere with the real track. It still does, if you listen carefully during the parts where I speak while the synthesizer is sounding.


Fri 23-Jul-2010 18:35
Sjukt bra, mycket vackert. En tanke vore nog att kontakta LinCon eller GothCon. De kan nog vara intresserade av att boka dig :)

...för att inte tala om DH eller Birdie

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 18:48
Schematics would be awesome. I have a very similar old school Hammond that's been sitting in my basement for years and it'd give me something to do with my spare time.

Nice work. This is truly amazing.

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 18:50
Highly impressive and very cool!


Fri 23-Jul-2010 19:22
Awesome job! Do the theme from Gauntlet 2!

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 19:33
Great work, impressive old tunes You played, congratulation!
Respect, Yozef from Hungary.


Fri 23-Jul-2010 19:37
super kickass!

About me

Fri 23-Jul-2010 19:54
You're awesome!

The pot plant monitor

Fri 23-Jul-2010 20:17
"It would be fun to extend this into a full-blown irrigation system by building some kind of motorized watering contraption,"

I've always thought the same thing. I've been dreaming about an automated greenhouse. I have all the control side down, but the moisture sensing circuitry was a little bit of a problem for me.

Thanks to you, I have that almost all figured out. The next step is to blend the sensing and controls together.

The problem I'm having is to get an output signal send to the controller once a setpoint is reached.


p.s. you can really mislead someone with the title "pot plant" hehe


The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 20:31
Whoa! Amazing work!

Have you noticed any differences between the sound of your synth and the typical SID chips?
Fri 23-Jul-2010 20:31
Whoa! Amazing work!

Have you noticed any differences between the sound of your synth and the typical SID chips?

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 20:35
Nicely done! I'm very impressed. Salt Lake City, USA
Fri 23-Jul-2010 20:46
Linus, you are the next Koji Kondo! (SMB music composer)

The Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 22:02
Det här instrumentet är det mest imponerande jag sett sedan SID-station, rent ljudmässigt. Men att du sedan konstruerat det hela själv från scratch är bara för mycket, så otroligt imponerande.

Jag skulle absolut betala pengar för att få tillgång till scheman och förprogrammerade chip. Det här är bara så otroligt häftigt - hoppas på mer galna projekt i framtiden :)

Christoffer Aronsson, Umeå
christoffer.aronsson 'vid' gmail.com

Making the Chipophone

Fri 23-Jul-2010 22:49
Dude, when you played the commando highscore tune, i almost got tears in my eyes!
The chipophone is a piece of art, a tribute to old electronic games.
Well done!
Fri 23-Jul-2010 23:12
May you live for a thousand years.

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 00:28
Hardware is important, but will be just a piece of crap without knowledge how to use it.
It is awesome! Fantastic! Great!
I can build similar thing but would never play so easy like you. Your performance reminds me to live performance of Rob Hubbard on one 8-bit event...
Good job, Linus!

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 00:52
Super cool!

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 00:59
There are money to earn here, Linus... Well done. I want it. /Thomas Bjerring

Indeed there is money to earn...as much as I'd like to see the schematics, don't!!! Look in to selling this stuff to some company or something...no idea how to do that, but don't give it out for free, that thing is amazing.

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 01:37
"Håkan, organ donor." ..... (speechless)....

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 02:07
This chipophone literally rules. I love chiptunes and listen to them every day - apart from the classic mario tune (which is good, but overplayed these days) the other four you played are 4 of my favourites - very nicely done too! How about playing some Atari St style tunes by Jochen Hippel (mad max) or Chris Huelsbeck? Turrican or wings of death tunes maybe?

Secondly, have you ever thought about selling one of these? Might be worth a test, I reckon theres a market for this thing. I for one would love to buy one at the right price! (im not rich, sorry...)

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 02:21

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 04:23
People like you deserve to live forever. Thank you so much for sharing this video of your amazing creation with everyone.
You give the people of Sweden a good name!
Sat 24-Jul-2010 04:27
Wow, great work and performance. Kudos to you.

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 05:45

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 05:51
Wow! This is such an awesome instrument you've created! The attention to detail and polish you've put into it is pretty apparent! Plus you play it well too ;)
Sat 24-Jul-2010 06:20
you're are a genius and my new personal hero

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 06:42
Solid work you got there. Maybe in the future you can get a small touch screen to replace all the switch controls.


The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 06:53
This got me very excited.

Please get ahold of the sheet music from all the NES classics and jam them out!
Tan T Curtis
Sat 24-Jul-2010 08:17
This Chipophone is a tour de force, both in its actualization and its utilization. Bravo, sir.

I would love to see downloads of your performances of the pieces included in the presentation (and of the others to which I suspect you are equally capable of doing justice). Your "Commando (Highscore)" in particular is both moving and beautiful--I would listen to that often, if it were available to me.

About me

Sat 24-Jul-2010 08:37
Congrats man! Your video made it on Engadget.

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 08:42
Very sweet project. I've been playing around with R-2R ladder DAC's and they're getting really nasty on my breadboards when using the actual resistors ;). Could you possibly give a part# for that R-2R you're using? I'm having trouble finding one that's not surface mount.
Sat 24-Jul-2010 08:51

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 09:02
You're my hero... (needless to say am beyond words where did you take this time!)
Sat 24-Jul-2010 10:37
Impressive work! I'm building a Atmega88 based MIDI Controller and am planing to add a 8-bit synthesizer. Ordered the Parts yesterday :-) Would be great to take a look at your code… Please drop me a note when its ready: stepmuel ät ee.ethz.ch

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 10:47
You made an awesome and unique work. This is really engineering art :)


Sat 24-Jul-2010 10:58
I thank you, my good sir.

Romance from Chopin's 1st Piano Concerto

Sat 24-Jul-2010 11:32
Wonderful version, sweet touch. TF

A case against syntax highlighting

Sat 24-Jul-2010 11:56
(I didn't read the too many comments before posting)
I do rely on syntax highlighting, and I think that nearly all your points are wrong.

You say the difficulty comes from the semantic of the program, not its syntax. No, it comes from both. I have tried a lot of languages, and never encountered one whose syntax had zero problems, so any help is welcome (besides, knowing several languages means being confused more easily by small syntax differences, unless my editor helps with colors).

You argue that color draw attention too much and that it becomes cognitively harder to read because of the mental overhead of processing colors.
That is very true if you use bright primary colors like in your Alice example, but a good (sober) color scheme actually do not distract, only give more information to the reader. Another thing: prose is very different from code, since its syntax is not at all relevant in the same way. Today, most default color schemes for code are not very colorful.

Concerning the mental overhead, you'll find that text color is actually processed at a nearly-hardware level by the brain. Once you are accustomed to read colored valid code, colors will only stand out when the code is invalid. The rest of the time, when the code is syntaxically valid, I can fully concentrate on the semantics. I'd rather discover (and correct) any syntax error sooner than later: running a compiler is *way* slower than having your editor tell you. And this kind of time waste is one of the very worst in software engineering.

You mention the "only" use you found for colors: knowing if you are in a comment. This can be extended easily to knowing whether you are in a valid string, or whether you made a mistake in the quoting inside the string. So that instantly makes two use cases (ok that was easy).

You say that colors make it more difficult to find bugs. Could it be that you have never encoutered a bug that was caused by syntax alone ? Compilers don't catch everything, and sometimes you use interpreters, which choke on syntax at runtime.

Your whole comparison to training wheels implicitly assumes that the end goal is knowing how to read/write code without colors. But since it is more difficult without colors, it is also less desirable to do so. My end goal is coding better and faster, so I choose to be helped by tools like a good editor and syntax highlighting. If I'm less good at writing code when there is no color, it does not matter at all, since I choosed not do otherwise.

So, I'm not convinced at all. I know by experience that with colors I can read/write better code more easily and faster. Can it really not be the case for you?

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 12:34
Awesome work can you please post details on instructables for DIY it will be a great DIY project.


The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 14:20
Truly amazing. Not only that it works but that it works so well and seems very feature complete and able to mimic the sound of all the different old chips. Also you play very nicely. As for requests of music I would like to hear some non-chiptunes played on this thing. Or perhaps some chiptunes remade to sound like from another system. Anyways. Awesome project indeed!

The TTY demystified

Sat 24-Jul-2010 14:28
excellent article, well done!

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 14:53
"organ donor" just cracked me up :)

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 17:36

lft wrote:

Primis wrote:

The effect on a standard organ known as a Leslie created by a spinning motor creates a Doppler effect, the effect can be heard in acid rock songs such as the Pink Floyd song "On the Run". does your organ have one of these?

No, there was no Leslie speaker in it. Everything was solid state except the reverb.

Primis wrote:

on a second note, would you ever be willing to release the schematics/Rom of that midi board? I'm thinking of making a chipophone myself.

just release the code and let open source community clean it up as they want.

I'll think about it. The code might need a little cleaning up first. =)

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 17:44
In case you're curious, the volume pedal design with the light and photocell is still very common. No moving parts to wear out, you see. But it is nonlinear and requires analog support circuitry.

In the digital domain, you'd use some kind of quadrature encoder and process the pulses directly. But unless you can actuate it directly over the distance of pedal travel, you're going to have some kind of mechanical system to convert a dozen degrees of rotation or a couple of cm of travel into 256 MIDI values. Look for components which will tolerate a million cycles of use.
Sat 24-Jul-2010 18:15
So cool! Heard about it on Slashdot. Thanks for the fabulous demo!
From Maryland, USA
Sat 24-Jul-2010 18:20
good work my friend!
Sat 24-Jul-2010 18:33
Hey Linus! Go back to working on Linux damnit!

The hardware chiptune project

Sat 24-Jul-2010 18:34
I have to ask, what is the name of the R2R ladder? its not a very common part if your not looking for it.

it's not a specific component you make it using a series of resistors ...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistor_ladder but it's easier to use the PWM trick mentioned earlier at least less parts. http://www.k9spud.com/traxmod/pwmdac.php

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 18:39
*applause* Amazing job!

Sat 24-Jul-2010 18:48
I definetly want one !
Sat 24-Jul-2010 18:52
Hey Linus, are you from sweden?

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 18:59
This is the coolest shit ever! You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 19:35
Wonderful work, Linus!
Sat 24-Jul-2010 19:46
Freaking awesome.

About me

Sat 24-Jul-2010 20:19
I don't understand how you find the time for this.
With a full time job programming?
Sat 24-Jul-2010 20:19
If I didn't like your compositions so much, I'd say that, by your self-description, you are a little bit pretentious...

I smell some jealousy In your writing.

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 20:37
Holy crap, that's just too bloody awesome!

Making the Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 20:41
As an old player piano and organ technician, I would have to say your abilities are to be admired. Well done!

About me

Sat 24-Jul-2010 21:38
Linus you are a source of inspiration. Thank you for existing and having your website in english.

from Puerto Rico, xirbin.

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 22:07
Freaking awesome.


Sat 24-Jul-2010 22:16
Yeah, very good work, thank you for this remember.

The Chipophone

Sat 24-Jul-2010 22:19
Eres un hombre brillante, sigue tu excelente trabajo, con tu creatividad y dedicadez digna de admirarse, estas sorprendiendo y deleitando al mundo.

You're a brilliant man, continue with your excellent work, with your creativity and dedication worthy of admiration, you're surprising and delighting the world.

- Andres, from Puerto Rico


Sat 24-Jul-2010 22:21
\o/ u a genius man

About me

Sat 24-Jul-2010 22:35
Linus you are a source of inspiration. Thank you for existing and having your website in english.

from Puerto Rico, xirbin.



Sat 24-Jul-2010 23:50
Fortsätt med detta, underbart!

Power Ninja Action Challenge

Sun 25-Jul-2010 00:23
Very cool! BTW I love your website, many excellent projects.

I was wondering if you did anything special to keep the noise low. I think the audio is significantly clearer than on some of your other projects, like the "Swan".

I've experimented with sound using several different AVRs PWM, R2R, and an 8-bit DAC and have found it difficult to get beyond telephone quality. I noticed they all generate noise on the power line, and the distortion varies a little from chip to chip. For what it's worth the Attiny45 does have high frequency PWM via an internal PLL, but it makes a distorted square wave (to my ears at least).

The TTY demystified

Sun 25-Jul-2010 00:31
The process of daemonizing is covered elsewhere, easy to Google. It involved forking, killing the parent, then calling setsid() in the child, and optionally chdir()ing to / and closing stdin/stdout/stderr.

I am currently working on writing a toy OS, and this was very useful in its treatment of the basic structure of the TTY subsystem. Thanks.

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 01:01
This is so sweet! I am in love with chip music since the early 80s and seeing someone play those tunes live on that incredibly great invention your chipophone is feels like finally coming back home after a long, hard journey ;-) You rocked my world.. Keep up the good work! BSC / Symbiosis


Sun 25-Jul-2010 02:01
Totally amazing. You should port it to Android/iPhone. Don't know how much memory you need, but newer devices have a lot available. Alternatively, publish the source ;)

However for the life of me I can't solve

Bug, or am I just not doing it right?

The Chipophone

joey mariano
Sun 25-Jul-2010 02:26
hey - amazing instrument! i myself have been trying to get a decent chip sound from a guitar... here is my recent attempt... http://filefreakout.com/animalstyle/?p=927 too bad we're too far - i want to jam with you!


Sun 25-Jul-2010 02:38
underbar musik, skulle älska om du kunde göra giana sisters main theme eller kanske finalfantasy 3 battle theme

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 03:03
I believe in our planet again after I saw this page, Linus.


Sun 25-Jul-2010 03:13
You are probably familiar with this but i thought it was worth posting the link.


This is an IBM AT that some guy has playing full motion (60fps) video.

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 04:36
Congratulations from Chile. You invention is awesome!!! Ariel Elgueta
Sun 25-Jul-2010 04:42
You are a genius.
Thank you!

Making the Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 05:42
Tusen tack! Detta är skitbra!

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 06:16
Absolutely brilliant! If the Scene had a currency, I'd give you all my savings! :)
joey mariano
Sun 25-Jul-2010 06:26
also, i would like to build one of these for my house - are you going to release the source code ever? this is all a bunch of atmel chips right?

Making the Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 06:38
Dude, that was awesome. Especially the Mega Man music. I'd say those old Mega Man tunes influenced me so much as a kid that I now listen to electronic music regularly. Thanks for the video!

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 06:48
Congratulations on the concept! Being an ex-chiptuner myself, I could see me having a *lot* of fun with such an instrument.
Sun 25-Jul-2010 06:57
My first job out of high school was fixing these games at a big arcade in Los Angeles back in 1987. Brought back a lot of memories. Thanks & great work!
Jaye Gallagher
Sun 25-Jul-2010 08:10
Absolutely marvellous, I'm in awe of your dedication and massive geekiness! I don't suppose there's any chance that you could be persuaded to perform the main theme and high score music to the game "Parallax" by Martin Galway?
Sun 25-Jul-2010 08:41
That was awesome! I would love to get a copy of that playing the Megaman 2 intro as it was amazing. Keep up the good work!

- TJ
Sun 25-Jul-2010 09:59
You, sir, are a god.


Sun 25-Jul-2010 10:10
Captivating and charming. Thankyou Linus.

Binary Art

Sun 25-Jul-2010 10:25
42 - 101010 - The answer...


Sun 25-Jul-2010 10:39

More Chipophone recordings, pleeeeasssee! :-)

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 10:40
this is so impressive. awesome playin', man!

Making the Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 10:42
I'm impressed! that's outstanding!
Sun 25-Jul-2010 11:31
Såg en youtube-länk på facebook där du demonstrerar Chipophonen. Bland det häftigaste jag sett på år och dag. Uppenbarligen är du såväl tekniskt som musikaliskt begåvad. Fortsätt gärna och posta videor där du spelar på den.

//Benny - Trollhättan


Sun 25-Jul-2010 11:41
WOW! I'm just speechless. That's what I call talent for music!
Check out MySpace and listen to my tracks, if you like: http://www.myspace.com/xxdustyxxmusic.
Best Regards,


Sun 25-Jul-2010 11:41
Try that one, that's easy :P

Making the Chipophone

Ralph Corderoy
Sun 25-Jul-2010 11:50
A marvellous project, well done. And having arrived here from Slashdot I've now the wealth of the rest of your site to explore.

You mentioned the 120-bit shift register, how often do you sample all of its bits?

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 11:58
What a gift to us all! This is great and I loved hearing all my old favorite music. I would love to hear the score from Castlevania.


Sun 25-Jul-2010 12:17
Totally amazing. You should port it to Android/iPhone. Don't know how much memory you need, but newer devices have a lot available. Alternatively, publish the source ;)

However for the life of me I can't solve

Bug, or am I just not doing it right?

I think this one is realy hard. I was to give up. But there is a soluten. First step is to push the bolder up to you up, then open the way down. Then you can do the rest.

Making the Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 12:43
UNDERBART, Linus! Ett litet hopp för mänskligheten har tänts i mitt bröst.

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 12:47
bra jobbat
Sun 25-Jul-2010 12:48
bra jobbat
Sun 25-Jul-2010 12:52
Very well done. Terrific work on the MIDI and the electronics. Your playing of your specific type of music is very good and incredably precise.
I have added MIDI to an old electronic organ, but I have headed in a different direction using a software synthesiser in a PC to generate the sounds I wish it to create. My instrument and era of choice the the Theatre Organ.

Making the Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 13:49
Goodjob! Greets from Holland!

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 13:49
Hey guy, you really *ROCK*!!!!!!

The TTY demystified

Ralph Corderoy
Sun 25-Jul-2010 14:22
Nice article, various points...

The erase and kill characters used to be # and @, and as you were printing on paper there was no rubbing out, so you might see

$ ls @wc -l /etvc##c/passwd
42 /etc/passwd

where the `@' was killing the whole line entered so far and the `##' was erasing the preceding `vc'.

It's only modern shell that provide line editing, hence shell history substitutions like `!!' and `!$' existing. If /bin/sh is a plain old non-line-editing shell on your system then you can see the difference in tty settings by using `stty -a' from another terminal to capture the differences. Don't run stty(1) from, e.g., the bash shell since the shell will alter the tty settings before running stty. Here, bash has the literal next character, lnext, being undefined and turns off -icrnl, -icanon, and -echo.

The above example of # and @ was achieved by

$ sh
$ stty erase \# kill @ -crterase -echok
$ ls @wc -l /etvc##c/passwd
42 /etc/passwd
$ stty sane
$ exit

where /bin/sh is dash(1) on this Ubuntu system.

"Write permissions to the device file are required, so when a user logs in on a particular TTY, that user must become the owner of the device file." I think it's read permission that's required to alter a tty's settings. It did used to be write, in the very early days, but since write(1) and mesg(1) meant users could write to one another's terminals it also meant they could alter their settings. Much fun could be had with changing erase to `e' for a second and back again at random intervals whilst the user was trying to type. So it was switched to require read permission which only the owner of tty normally has. This can be seen in stdin of stty needing to be re-directed to specify the terminal, and not stdout, e.g. `stty -a </dev/pts/1'.

Flow control, e.g. ^S and ^Q, existed long before the signals for job control. IIRC, it was Berkeley that added all the ^Z stuff and related signals, it wasn't Bell Labs.

The Linux kernel doesn't bother to implement all of the normal control characters. Flush is one that's missing, IIRC, which is set with stty's `eol2'. It's a shame.


P.S. There's a typo, `1970:s'.


Ralph Corderoy
Sun 25-Jul-2010 14:47
$ opt() { sed ':l; s/\(.*\)011\(.*\)/\1100\2/; tl' "$@"; }
$ dex() { sed ':l; s/100/011/g; tl' "$@"; }
$ cmp <(opt <<<01110101100) <(echo 10100000000)
$ cmp <(dex <<<10100000000) <(echo 01110101011)
$ bits() { seq 0 1023 | sed 's/$/pc/; 1s/^/2o/' | dc; }
$ bits | topntail
$ cmp <(bits | opt) <(bits | dex | opt)

Functional music

Ralph Corderoy
Sun 25-Jul-2010 15:04
This page is generating a warning rather than showing the paper.
Linus Åkesson
Sun 25-Jul-2010 16:10

ralph wrote:

This page is generating a warning rather than showing the paper.

Thank you! Fixed.

The TTY demystified

Linus Åkesson
Sun 25-Jul-2010 16:14

ralph wrote:

Nice article, various points...

Thanks! That was very interesting. It hadn't occured to me that erase/kill would be usable without interactive line editing, but it makes sense.

ralph wrote:

P.S. There's a typo, `1970:s'.

Changed to 1970s.


Linus Åkesson
Sun 25-Jul-2010 16:15

ralph wrote:

$ opt() { sed ':l; s/\(.*\)011\(.*\)/\1100\2/; tl' "$@"; }
$ dex() { sed ':l; s/100/011/g; tl' "$@"; }


Making the Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 17:15
You make a lot of people happy :) including me

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 17:24
This is truly brilliant and inspiring. Many thanks for sharing your innovation!


Sun 25-Jul-2010 17:42
impressive indeed, I hope you'll do some equivalent played LIVE with your chippophone (and with either the spring-reverb box put back in.. or a real church around) :)


Making the Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 17:52
Very cool!

The Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 18:29
Wow Linus, I am deeply impressed - by the technical skills as well as how well you can play an organ!

Best regards,
DKL (ex. Legend, Illusion, Success, etc...)
Sun 25-Jul-2010 19:09
Fully agree, I love the sleeper look.. people will just think it's an old hammond or such, then you sit down and (masterfully) rock out the chiptunes..

It's cool, but being able to use a modern MIDI keyboard as a controller has it's benefits as well. Not everyone has space for an old organ, and it'd sure be a pain for a chip musician to carry to a live performance.

Also, I second that more chiptune performance videos would be aweome. :)
Sun 25-Jul-2010 19:12
Grymt bra jobbat mannen!
Som andra påpekat vore det guld om du gav ut kod och kretsschema, skulle verkligen uppskattas!!!


Ralph Corderoy
Sun 25-Jul-2010 19:23
I think there are four representations of 8. The first is optimised. The next two optimise to the first representation. The last doesn't, i.e. there are no 011 sequences in it, yet it isn't using the smallest number of 1s.

011000 -> 100000
010110 -> 011000 -> 100000

What am I missing?
Linus Åkesson
Sun 25-Jul-2010 21:15

ralph wrote:

I think there are four representations of 8. The first is optimised. The next two optimise to the first representation. The last doesn't, i.e. there are no 011 sequences in it, yet it isn't using the smallest number of 1s.

011000 -> 100000
010110 -> 011000 -> 100000

What am I missing?

Quoting the article,

Note: When optimizing an antagon, all bits are to be moved as far to the left as possible. If an antagon ends in ...001 it will be optimized into ...010. Therefore, an optimized antagon always ends with a 0.

It seems less arbitrary if we modify the rule for optimization to take into account an extra, virtual position to the right of the rightmost digit. This position would be worth zero (extrapolating the Fibonacci series, as 1 = 1 + 0), and assumed during optimization to contain a one.

Making the Chipophone

Sun 25-Jul-2010 22:26
Incredible! Greets from Hungary.

The Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 00:25
Amazing. My too loves combined... if you were in the UK I would be asking you to join my band Tin Man


A case against syntax highlighting

Mon 26-Jul-2010 01:49
Word, man, word!

The first thing I do when stumbling over syntax highlighting in vi, is to do a simple ":syntax off".

Thanks a lot for a very nice website!



Mon 26-Jul-2010 02:05
Du är min idol! Så underbar musik du spelar och du är grymt begåvad. Längtar efter fler klassiker, hoppas nästa video du lägger upp är när du spelar musik från Last ninja 2 :)

Making the Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 02:21
Awesome work, and a enjoyable read. Thanks for writing this up. Great work, very inspiring.

Greets from Scotland.
Mon 26-Jul-2010 03:35
lovely work! it may be that I haven't looked around this website that much but do you have blueprints or schematics for the chipophone? I would love to have one!

Yours from the U.S.

The Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 06:30
Mon 26-Jul-2010 06:32
ODINO le casamoto
Mon 26-Jul-2010 06:34
HELLO very cool


Mon 26-Jul-2010 10:04
The PAL output is awesome! I am also really amazed at the way the timing is handled.

Such a great project! Keep up the amazing work.

Post protected by LBackup

Making the Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 10:13
"Håkan, organ donor." ..... (speechless)....

I loved that one aswell :D

The Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 10:42
Excellent! The lost art of "live chiptune performance" :-)

Bloody brilliant, too.


Ralph Corderoy
Mon 26-Jul-2010 14:23

lft wrote:

Quoting the article,

Note: When optimizing an antagon, all bits are to be moved as far to the left as possible. If an antagon ends in ...001 it will be optimized into ...010. Therefore, an optimized antagon always ends with a 0.

Ah, On first reading I took the "it will" to mean the preceding changes will cause this to happen, as opposed to an extra step required.

lft wrote:

It seems less arbitrary if we modify the rule for optimization to take into account an extra, virtual position to the right of the rightmost digit. This position would be worth zero (extrapolating the Fibonacci series, as 1 = 1 + 0), and assumed during optimization to contain a one.

Yes, I agree. That's the conclusion I came to overnight. All we need to do is ensure that it's the most significant of the ones column that's set if the other is clear, and placing a 1 in the zero column, only during optimisation, is the easy way to do that.

$ opt() { sed 's/$/1/; :l; s/\(.*\)011/\1100/; tl; s/.$//' "$@"; }
$ echo 100000 011000 010110 010101 | tr \ \\012 | opt | uniq -c
4 100000

The Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 14:48
Congratulations on a brilliant project!

Are you available for gigs in the UK? I help run a chip-tune themed night, and having a live soundtrack (we already have live Gameboy performances) would be incredible!

Please get in touch if you'd be interested:

Ole Rudd / Brother Wetlands

Linkstar, pagerank peddlers?

Mon 26-Jul-2010 15:26
Interesting. I've been using Adbrite (because Google Adsense does not work on https pages), but I never thought about nofollow attributes. I just checked, and they don't place rel="nofollow" attributes on their links either.

However, I'm not sure that's relevant in this case, since Adbrite ads are included dynamically on the client side, so a search engine bot never sees them. Is that not also the case with Linkstar, or do they want you to insert ads server-side?

Where's the man's hat?

Mon 26-Jul-2010 15:33
Have you heard from Hollywood yet?

The Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 15:38
I think it is incredible. I love it.
Mon 26-Jul-2010 18:48
You are awesome!
In the late 80th I had a 8-bit soviet computer with Yamaha music chip extension. And now it is so sweet to see and hear you playing. Thank you. Thank you very much!

Best wishes from Russia!


Mon 26-Jul-2010 19:02
Fantastic, what a great job, I'm astonished!

Making the Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 19:15
You sir are a genius. I wish I had one. It's but another instrument that I really really want.

The Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 22:14
at the video i thought, it's a SID from the C64 - but its an atmel µP...

Klämrisk Hero

Mon 26-Jul-2010 22:37
Somehow nice, I really like the music :)

Besides that... call me stupid, but what are the objects in the elevator next to the persons supposed to be? They look a bit like trashcans, but I'm not quite sure..


The Chipophone

Mon 26-Jul-2010 23:18
This would rock in a classic NES color-scheme.
Actually would be cooler in Famicom Colors!!!
Tue 27-Jul-2010 01:28
If you are interested in making more, some of us in Hollywood are interested in it.

Summer cloud

Tue 27-Jul-2010 02:17
sounds great, u are fucking awesome

Making the Chipophone

Tue 27-Jul-2010 03:15
As someone said, brilliant, absolutely brilliant work. I'm your fan.
Greetings from Brazil, from a 8-bit minded old man.
Tue 27-Jul-2010 06:29
Hearing your device has made my day. Thankyou, and I wish I had half your skill!

The Chipophone

Tue 27-Jul-2010 11:12
This i by far the most amazing thing someone has made in the XXI century about music, please make concerts with your invention i think you are gonna have a brigth future ahead
Tue 27-Jul-2010 13:11
You are a genious and have my admiration. I love smart people that enjoy creating and constructing.
Tue 27-Jul-2010 14:24
Grymt imponerande! Sett videon 3ggr nu... Blir inspirerad att sätta igång med mina egna galna projekt :)

Binary Art

Tue 27-Jul-2010 15:41

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("hello, World (World is Copyright (c) God t=0");
return 0;


Making the Chipophone

Tue 27-Jul-2010 17:12
Dude you almost made me cry. I always wondered how those songs were created. Thank you for a truly magnificent display of technical genius. That was truly the best thing I've seen on YouTube.

The Chipophone

Tue 27-Jul-2010 17:56
Så jäkla grymt, säg till när du skall ha en Nintendo 8-bit konsert!!!!

Making the Chipophone

Tue 27-Jul-2010 18:24
Awesome project!

The Chipophone

Tue 27-Jul-2010 19:38
I want one!!!!!!


Tue 27-Jul-2010 19:59
$ ./townwoofer_by_lft
./townwoofer_by_lft: line 2: 2136 Killed $t

Making the Chipophone

Tue 27-Jul-2010 20:26
Ja vad ska man säga ,, väcker många minnen från C64 tiden :).. helt klart det bästa jag sett på bra länge :)..

The Chipophone

Tue 27-Jul-2010 20:37
Bravo! You are a genius!
Tue 27-Jul-2010 21:14
Awesome! Den där är bara FÖR fet!

Making the Chipophone

Tue 27-Jul-2010 21:14
Absolutely breathtaking...
Tue 27-Jul-2010 21:45
Wow, this is amazing! Dude, i was awestruck when i watched the video. I love sid tunes and you did an amazing job turning that organ into a fullblown sid-wonder!

About me

Tue 27-Jul-2010 21:51

lft wrote:

It's really hard to not get carried away and do everything that falls into your head, because then you'd never get anything done.

That's exactly the problem i have, but how to solve it?

Making the Chipophone

Wed 28-Jul-2010 00:36
ah man this shit is wicked

Klämrisk Hero

Wed 28-Jul-2010 00:57
Somehow nice, I really like the music :)

Besides that... call me stupid, but what are the objects in the elevator next to the persons supposed to be? They look a bit like trashcans, but I'm not quite sure..


its a trashcan. In sweden there is a warning sign in elevators which is a pic of this dude strangled to dead by the trashcan.

Making the Chipophone

Wed 28-Jul-2010 04:37
You are absolutely incredible! The designing of your chipophone
blew my mind. Not only that but your ability to play multiple NES
tracks from the old days is beyond impressive! Kudos to you, good
sir ~ you are an inspiration to us all, local & foreign.
Wed 28-Jul-2010 06:40
Wow!!!, i don´t have words! really, amazing!

About me

Ralph Corderoy
Wed 28-Jul-2010 09:47
That's exactly the problem i have, but how to solve it?

Good question. I find the Internet is to blame for shortening my attention span and making it harder to concentrate on one thing. Gone are the days of reading a book in one sitting. Still, nothing a bit of self-discipline wouldn't fix, I suppose?

Making the Chipophone

Wed 28-Jul-2010 10:07
Have you ever hear the Sliver Surfer sound track for NES. May not the most complex music, but fun.
Wed 28-Jul-2010 11:03
i would also love to see a instructable online to convert my own electric organ into a midi 8-bit chiptune producer :P

The Chipophone

Wed 28-Jul-2010 12:52
You are a genius. Normally, engineers would enhanced/ redefined the analogue organ. But you transformed an analogue organ to a synthesizer (dual synthesizer)and it is a backward design. It is incredible.

Making the Chipophone

Wed 28-Jul-2010 12:59
Ты крут чувак +100500
1й нах!!!!

The Chipophone

Wed 28-Jul-2010 13:12
This is amazing. Technically, it is not easy to transform an analogue dual combo organ to a backward designed "dual synthesizer".

Making the Chipophone

Wed 28-Jul-2010 13:16
Awesome work, I love it!
Wed 28-Jul-2010 16:06
Cool man, keep up the good work, by the way very entertaining video...
Helsinki, Finland
Wed 28-Jul-2010 17:11
That's the coolest thing I've seen in ages! Nice work!! MattF
Wed 28-Jul-2010 18:31
May you live for a thousand years.
+1 we need more human beings like this on our planet.
Wed 28-Jul-2010 19:06
Fantastic! Great job!
Wed 28-Jul-2010 19:11
Great job! I think it's funny that you call your friend Haiku an "organ donor." Haha

The Chipophone

Wed 28-Jul-2010 21:36
Please record yourself playing all kinds of old gaming music as well as other music you like. It has such a great variety of sounds, I would love to hear other songs (gaming and non-gaming). I would really like to hear you just jamming on this. Please consider recording yourself :)

The Swan

Wed 28-Jul-2010 21:40
If by 'emotion' you mean using aliasing to make my ears bleed, then yes.. it worked.

The Chipophone

Ben Daglish
Wed 28-Jul-2010 22:21
Excellent Work. I may even pay you a visit someday and have a jam...
Wed 28-Jul-2010 22:50

lft wrote:

Primis wrote:

I'll think about it. The code might need a little cleaning up first. =)
Please do! As a freshmen electronic engineer, I find this very interesting!

Making the Chipophone

Thu 29-Jul-2010 00:37
"Håkan, organ donor." ..... (speechless)....

I LOL'd at that as well- brilliantly deadpan (or, at least, that's how I read it!)

And this project is amazing. Thanks for the incredibly thorough breakdown, the inner workings of the original organ are fascinating (yes, particularly the photosensor-based pedal).

Incredible job! Thanks for sharing!

Linkstar, pagerank peddlers?

Linus Åkesson
Thu 29-Jul-2010 07:09
... Adbrite ads are included dynamically on the client side, so a search engine bot never sees them. Is that not also the case with Linkstar, or do they want you to insert ads server-side?

They want you to insert ads server-side.

About me

Linus Åkesson
Thu 29-Jul-2010 07:21

ralph wrote:

That's exactly the problem i have, but how to solve it?

Good question. I find the Internet is to blame for shortening my attention span and making it harder to concentrate on one thing. Gone are the days of reading a book in one sitting. Still, nothing a bit of self-discipline wouldn't fix, I suppose?

I try to divide my days into different sections; Mornings are for reading RSS feeds and my list of URLs, at work I can usually find the time to check email and IRC, and when I get home I try to avoid the internet altogether, except when I need to look up something specific. I obviously don't have a TV set. Then, of course, any self-imposed scheme like this can be disregarded as needed on a day to day basis, but it generally pays off to stick to it.

The Swan

Linus Åkesson
Thu 29-Jul-2010 07:25
If by 'emotion' you mean using aliasing to make my ears bleed, then yes.. it worked.

That's a perfectly valid emotion, although not necessarily the intended one. =) To each his own.

Making the Chipophone

Thu 29-Jul-2010 08:44
Simply amazing, You, Sir just made my day.
Any chance of you doing an "Outrun - Splash wave" video?

It would make my life happy!
Thu 29-Jul-2010 11:20
we love you!
from italy
Thu 29-Jul-2010 12:11
Király állatság!!!


Thu 29-Jul-2010 12:12
you should record robocop 3 :)
great job on the instrument, very well done, excellent work, pure genius.

The Chipophone

Thu 29-Jul-2010 17:59
This is fantastic. Work out a show and get booked at the big conventions. You'd be huge at dragon con or comic con or better yet, E3!!! Do it. You'd be famous to all the gamers everywhere!!!! People would line up to hear you talk about chipophone and then rip out all the great old game music!

Brilliant. Simply Brilliant.

Making the Chipophone

Thu 29-Jul-2010 21:49
Aztaku...!! Hát ez nem semmi! Leborulás!
Fri 30-Jul-2010 03:47
Sir, this is the most awesome thing of the day. You would rock at Comic Con!

Dude, Kyle, Sir, is that you?
Fri 30-Jul-2010 07:12
молодец!!!!!!Талантливые люди всегда себя проявляют!!!!!!
Fri 30-Jul-2010 09:56
Thing of the day! You are good engineer!

The Chipophone

Fri 30-Jul-2010 16:31
Dude this is awesome!!!! Dammnnn i'm inspired!

Making the Chipophone

Fri 30-Jul-2010 19:24
Sir, this is really really fantastic, keep up the good work! You'll be making wonders if you continue like this. By the way: visit http://iddqd.blog.hu/ , where your video has been linked... ;) This is one of Hungary's most famous gamer blog. Cheers from Hungary!
Fri 30-Jul-2010 19:27
Good job! Congratulations!
Sat 31-Jul-2010 04:51
Наврятли ты знаешь русский.Но все же пишу так).Круто) за тетрис спасибо)
Томас Игоревичь
Sat 31-Jul-2010 07:52
I have a few questions:
-why didnt you used an already build atmega solution like CraftDuino/Arduino and is there any chance that someday you will make a pair of this retromachine for those who are in need?

The Chipophone

Sat 31-Jul-2010 13:36
Just amazing!

Making the Chipophone

Sat 31-Jul-2010 18:42
Simply Awesome
Miss the 8-bit times

The Chipophone

Sat 31-Jul-2010 20:09

Making the Chipophone

Sat 31-Jul-2010 22:43
Sat 31-Jul-2010 23:25
Detta är det mest imponerande jag sett på mycket länge. Sjukt bra ljud också :)
Fantastiskt gjort!