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Jul 2017

The TTY demystified

Mon 3-Jul-2017 22:01

I read this a few years ago and have just re-read today. This is one of the best and clearest explanations of anything, never mind something as dry and arcane as tty.

You have a great talent for this, many thanks.

The remote control project

Tue 11-Jul-2017 07:52
My remote control T6060 is broken can you sent me a connector map or this? Thank you! My email hoangvd.hoang@gmail.com

A case against syntax highlighting

Fri 14-Jul-2017 21:16
Sounds lot like comparing a "Automobile" to an "Airplane". Both are machines yeah, no doubt, providing similar solutions, 'transport'. Remove all the "extra" "detectors" and "sensors" from the airplane because that's not the pilot's problem (since the factories manufacturing the airplanes are already suppose to handle that, 'equipment error'). The pilot's job is to only keep his eyes wide open (check left and right probably) and fly it (that's what you're suggesting). Me, personally, if I were a pilot, I'll never fly that plane (never ever).

The TTY demystified

Mon 17-Jul-2017 20:16
Thanks for that nice write-up. Actually, I just came here because I don't want linux to mess with my payload over the serialport, is there a quick way to tell the tty to simply forward everything and _not_ mess with it?

I've tried stty "raw" option, it's still messing around though.

A Mind Is Born

Wed 19-Jul-2017 16:40
Very impressive work! Congrats!

The TTY demystified

Mon 24-Jul-2017 05:03
I have been always wondering how tty works for years and could not get a clear idea until today I stumbled on this write up, an admirable article! Thank you!


Tue 25-Jul-2017 21:16
I can't seem to figure out the level


I got it almost solved, but I can't finish it, I always get the last two crates in a position where I can only push one of them into their place
Tue 25-Jul-2017 21:24
I can't seem to figure out the level


I got it almost solved, but I can't finish it, I always get the last two crates in a position where I can only push one of them into their place

Okay, just as I had posted this comment I finally solved that level (in 33 moves). It's still pretty tricky.

GCR decoding on the fly

Sun 30-Jul-2017 10:53
There was a similar but not quite as exquisite epiphany that someone (not me unfortunately) had on the Apple ][ that allows GCR decoding on the fly and allowing zero interleave full track loading on the fly. It's a shame that no one AFAIK ever made a version of DOS using this system (it came very late like around the early nineties IIRC). What held everyone back before then was the dogma that the disk had to be in a compatible arrangement of bits. Rearranging the bits allowed rearranging the code and suddenly you could do everything in the 32 cycles you needed! Anyway GREAT JOB. I love this.
David Galloway
Sun 30-Jul-2017 10:58
^ that was my comment about the Apple ][ GCR decoding on the fly.

I have to say that when I saw the code in a disassembly for the Apple I was both awed and disappointed that I never allowed myself to think outside the box.

I also worked on the C64 but not on the 1541... It's such an amazing system to have a second '6502' in charge of the disk drive and then a tiny straw to connect to the C64...
David Galloway
Sun 30-Jul-2017 11:22
OK, I just finished reading your article and especially your code. You really pull out all the stops. All the techniques synthesized into something that is the greater than the sum of its parts. Indeed your code is absolutely inspired. I had to post one more time because I've been coding the 6502 since 1979 and worked on early Apple ][ and C64 games and disk code for the Apple ][ and so if anyone could appreciate what you've done it should at least be me and I should not stand silent. I applaud you! Good job sir. I enjoy this more than an art masterpiece. It is a masterpiece.