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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Nov 2012

The bitbuf

Sun 4-Nov-2012 05:38
Would love to buy one.


Sun 4-Nov-2012 10:47
There's only one word to describe you. Genius.

The bitbuf

Mon 5-Nov-2012 05:27
Please post at least a part list, or the code for the chip, or some schematics! Even just a detailed guide on how to use it.
Tue 6-Nov-2012 00:57
Desperately want one...

We learn the nibbles

Wed 7-Nov-2012 13:46


Wed 7-Nov-2012 15:36
Awesome ;).
And the implementation is so simple! I changed the output to stdout instead of stderr. This is my brainfuck interpreter for stdout in one line :

char m[9999],*n[99],*r=m,*p=m+5000,**s=n,d,c; main(){for(read(0,r,4000);c=*r;r++)c-']'||(d>1||(r=*p?*s:(--s,r)),!d||d--),c-'['||d++||(*++s=r),d||(*p+=c=='+',*p-=c=='-',p+=c=='>',p-=c=='<',c-'.'||write(1,p,1),c-','||read(1,p,1));}

Hehe works with your game of life. Honestly that must have taken ages to implement. I get a headache after the first line in your life.bf file ;).

Greets and keep up all your awesome work,
Walter Schreppers


Thu 8-Nov-2012 15:08

Greetz, Benadski

The bitbuf

Thu 8-Nov-2012 18:56
Any news on this? Linus I'm aching to use one!


Fri 9-Nov-2012 15:14
That's really cool, well done!


Fri 9-Nov-2012 17:34
We want the tracker and the OST in original format! Please... *w*

MP3 render is awful and full of random clicks and noises.


Sat 10-Nov-2012 12:58
I never will build this stuff, can U make an MP3-album\torrent to listen songs separately? It would be nice. :)

The TTY demystified

Sun 11-Nov-2012 20:09
Thanks for the page. You help me a lot.


Tue 13-Nov-2012 02:32
I never will build this stuff, can U make an MP3-album\torrent to listen songs separately? It would be nice. :)
Idiot! Go to sleep!

Elements of Chip Music

Max Porshnev
Fri 16-Nov-2012 19:11
Hi Linus, if you wanna more questions, here they are:

When you use HBlanks for updating the waveform (like in Craft project) how do you keep the sample rate constant during VBlanks?

In Phasor project, does the output signal contain interlaced video? Do I understand correctly that generating a blackwhite composite video signal is much less difficult?

The bitbuf

Mikael Bouillot
Sat 17-Nov-2012 19:38
I was wondering about two features of the sound:
1) on the attack of each note, there seems to be a small "noise blast",
2) the notes have a high aliasing content.

For (2), I was under the impression that it came from sampling the waveform at a fixed rate without first filtering it (which would probably require a DSP implementing BLEPs or something similar), but the effect seems extreme. Did you include some kind of non-linear saturation to get that effect?

For (1), I have no idea where that might come from but I like the effect :-)

On the other hand, the interactivity (bass and chords modification in particular) is awesome. That's kind of what I'm trying to achieve with my own project.


Sat 17-Nov-2012 22:17
please do a cover of as vivid as possible by USK


Max Porshnev
Mon 19-Nov-2012 10:41

tesla1980 wrote:

Please help me ! Can anyone tell me how to change the c - code to make that the whole program loops itself ? Where i must change the code. I`m absolutely a c-code noop - i have no idea ! PLZ HELP ME !
I think it should be possible to modify firmware hex file and make it use microcontroller's watchdog after the main program end. The watchdog will restart the whole microcontroller. Or use more stupid way: pull reset low with an external hardware thing. :)

Is it possible to replace the 442 resistors with a more common value like 390 or 470?
Yes. Look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistor_ladder Keep in mind that DAC's output impedance should be low enough to drive 75 ohm load, that is the monitor input impedance. But not too low because microcontroller leg can't give much current.

The bitbuf

Simon Budig
Tue 20-Nov-2012 11:34
The hardware/schematics really isn't the problem, it is easy enough to figure out the schematics from the photo in the posting. There is no magic happening there. I'd gladly offer to turn this into a pcb layout.

However, the software is the tricky part. The experience Linus has with chiptunes is not easily reproduced, let alone turned into a sanely working midi synth. So I guess we're out of luck for now.


Making the Chipophone

Wed 28-Nov-2012 20:36
You sir, have won. Congrats!
Wed 28-Nov-2012 22:05
Congratulations, you are now famous on reddit! Very neat project. Thanks for sharing.

We learn the nibbles

Wed 28-Nov-2012 22:06
How does this work?
Octopus is 8, 8 is 0100, how does that help me remember that 8 is 0100?

The Chipophone

Wed 28-Nov-2012 22:30
Super Rad. Rad 50, even. Not only did you create this beast of a device, but you can play the shizzle out of some awesome classics.

You Rawk!

We learn the nibbles

Thu 29-Nov-2012 04:59
How does this work?
Octopus is 8, 8 is 0100, how does that help me remember that 8 is 0100?

8 is 1000, and the octopus is in the 4th position with no other critters thus 1000.

Making the Chipophone

Thu 29-Nov-2012 05:33
very, very, nice!

About me

Thu 29-Nov-2012 06:49
Congrats man! Your video made it on Engadget.
It made it's way to Reddit as well.

Pokémon Trading Card Game

Thu 29-Nov-2012 10:04
I really admire your work, Linus!

Keep up the good work and I'll be checking in once in a while!

Even though I like the songs, haven't exactly hit my personal childhood yet though.. haha didn't get to play any of these games! :(

Any chance for the Pokemon Gameboy songs?
Looking forward to your future projects!

Thank you!

- Fan from Hong Kong

The TTY demystified

Thu 29-Nov-2012 10:27
Great job!

I have just a suggestion.
This article can be used as a first step by people (like me...) who don't have a deep knowledge on the topic,
so why not to add a "References" section to help going into more depth?


International Karate

Thu 29-Nov-2012 12:59
This is great man! I hope that you could hopefully get picked up to do music for some of the newer games coming out for any platform. That's plain awesome and you know it. I suppose some Japanese dude did that across the planet when we were babies, but whatever man, you nailed it.
Thu 29-Nov-2012 16:08
I love it!


Thu 29-Nov-2012 20:44
I just recently found this ( Via the Chipophone, again, of course ) and I must say that it's a very well done reinterpretion, especially compared to the Midi versions I have heard so far, which appear to be directly transcribed notes without much else.


The bitbuf

Thu 29-Nov-2012 22:46

simon wrote:

The hardware/schematics really isn't the problem, it is easy enough to figure out the schematics from the photo in the posting. There is no magic happening there. I'd gladly offer to turn this into a pcb layout.

However, the software is the tricky part. The experience Linus has with chiptunes is not easily reproduced, let alone turned into a sanely working midi synth. So I guess we're out of luck for now.
I would guess that there are lot of elements from the other projects involved, like what you find on "making of chipophone" page, which again links to this:

but of course, it would have been cool if Linus put togheter the stuff on this page.

The Chipophone

Fri 30-Nov-2012 10:10
You are absolutely brilliant! I really like the chiptune-specific features of your Chipophone (the chiptune-specific waveforms, the two-key portamento and the drum-kit mode), and right now I'm watching your Int'l Karate cover video - brilliant, just brilliant!

SID forever! C=
