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Mar 2011

The TTY demystified

Tue 1-Mar-2011 21:42
Wow! The name of the article says it all, but for real this time! Thanks!


Beagleboard VGA output

Wed 2-Mar-2011 13:47
I tried using the same system for a BB XM. Somehow the board does not boot up when the circuit is plugged in. I am getting the DVI output but nothing on the VGA screen (plugged in after the boot). Any ideas??

Metroid, part 1

Thu 3-Mar-2011 20:07
When can we book the tickets for a live concert? :)

The remote control project

Thu 3-Mar-2011 21:04
I couldn't help noticing that the boards where you put your components in look weird... it doesn't seem like a normal PCB board is under the paper with the schematic (this, I mean: http://www.linusakesson.net/pix/data/070516-1/dsc00013.jpg).

How did you build those?

Field Trip

Fri 4-Mar-2011 22:33
cool :)


Tue 8-Mar-2011 19:23
The Chipophone makes "Never gonna give you up" sound awesome!

Thing On A Spring

Wed 9-Mar-2011 08:26
It's a Goofy song :) A bit of goofing up at the end seems right :)


LOL I agree! Well played Linus :)


Wed 9-Mar-2011 18:55
I've been rick rolled D:
Wed 9-Mar-2011 18:57
I've been rick rolled D:

Making the Chipophone

Sat 12-Mar-2011 23:41
Amazing stuff.

I am truly in awe! I've played the main Chipophone video on youtube to all of my friends now and everybody loves it.

Keep up the good work.


Sun 13-Mar-2011 23:34
I've been searching in vain for a guitar tabulature for Fratres, does anyone have a version ? I'd be happy for just the basic rythm part/main chords but I'd really like it if anyone had a tab for some cool arppregios too! I've found some sheet music but I'm so bad at reading them, I can't translate it reliably :(

Legend of Zelda

Fri 18-Mar-2011 10:54
I love this song on chipophone!
Its my ringtone on my mobile phone!
Very nice and thanks ^^

The TTY demystified

Fri 18-Mar-2011 20:18
Amazing article. Thanks so much for putting this together. I've been using Linux for 10 years, and this taught me quite a bit.

Beagleboard VGA output

André van Schoubroeck
Sat 19-Mar-2011 20:03
Hi, i'm the Anonymous from Wed 20-Jan-2010 10:42.

I just got my VGA converter ready and it seems to work great. The picture on the VGA side has some top rows on the bottom even after i adjusted the monitor(quite old nokia 500 Xa LCD monitor). The colors seem ok(the orange angstrom logo and the blue text), though i haven't had any full color pictures up yet, so don't know about the graduated colors, that TrevJ commented about. I have both VGA and DVI on(straight HMDI cable to a TV).

The schematic is fine. I added the DDC lines, 5V and 1,8V lines including voltage converters for the DDC lines on mine based on the sparkfun i2c level converter.

Just finished it like half an hour or so ago.

Thank you very much.

I have a question about the DDC lines. These are to return the monitor identification and information.
But what does the BeagleBoard do with the values. Will it auto-configure the display timings based on these values?

Also, if I look at these I will need to supply 5 volts on pin 9 http://pinouts.ru/Video/VGAVesaDdc_pinout.shtml
The SDA and SCL, are they supposed to be level shifted to 5 volts? Or what's their signal level supposed to be?

Beagleboard stable USB EHCI hack

André van Schoubroeck
Mon 21-Mar-2011 13:41
Thank you, I will need to try this.
The USB problems is what kept me from using the BeagleBoard before.
(And I assumed it was kernel-related as some sites suggested this)

Supremacy / Overlord

Tue 22-Mar-2011 13:24
Wow, this is one of the better ones you've made. I'm still very impressed how versatile the chipophone is.


Phasor, high quality video

Thu 24-Mar-2011 14:53
Szép volt Zoli! :)))

The Chipophone

Fri 25-Mar-2011 13:47
Very Impressive!! I used to hear Chiptunes back in the late 90´s while playing Amiga! You are brilliant!!


Linus Åkesson
Mon 28-Mar-2011 17:39
Finns i nyskick här: http://micromakt.istheshit.net

Supremacy / Overlord

Tue 29-Mar-2011 12:15
I really like the chip-o-phone renditions of all the classics, it is cool to see them come alive. I figure the pedal range was to small to play the intro with two manuals plus pedals? That would've been awesome ;)

The Chipophone

Brad Hall
Thu 31-Mar-2011 03:15
Linus! Sell me the code please! <3