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Oct 2022

The TTY demystified

Mon 10-Oct-2022 15:28
Thank you for your explanation!


The Commodordion

Fri 21-Oct-2022 18:42
This is truly incredible! Fantastic work on this!
Fri 21-Oct-2022 19:57
aren't you afraid of anonymous comments? is this even rate limited or something?
Fri 21-Oct-2022 20:53
Another amazing invention!
Fri 21-Oct-2022 21:06
Truly world-class.
Fri 21-Oct-2022 21:28
That is one of the most unique things I've ever seen done with a Commodore and floppies!
Fri 21-Oct-2022 21:46
Fri 21-Oct-2022 22:09
Control theory comes to mind when reading this piece, the feedback looping/correction component is at the base of control theory. Excellent work on the Commodordion, though i will say the bellows are, in my mind, the most elegant of the design. Excellent work!

aren't you afraid of anonymous comments? is this even rate limited or something?

Back in the early internet, this functionality was a base feature for most websites. So I don't know why they would be fearful.
Fri 21-Oct-2022 23:46
Sat 22-Oct-2022 04:00
That is some beautiful innovation there.
Sat 22-Oct-2022 04:49
Wonderful, beautiful. Next project, a C64 Bagpipe!! :)
Sat 22-Oct-2022 04:57
Woah man you’re truly a genius. I want more!
Sat 22-Oct-2022 05:58
Fantastiskt! Aldrig sett något liknande - bra jobbat!
Sat 22-Oct-2022 07:07
If you ever revisit this, maybe consider using accelerometers to measure the movement rather than airflow. Your way of course is true to the Accordion function, which has it's own merit (-;
Sat 22-Oct-2022 07:58
great stuff!
Sat 22-Oct-2022 10:35
Sat 22-Oct-2022 11:37
I am so impressed by this project - from the engineering to your beautiful playing. Thank you for sharing this!
Sat 22-Oct-2022 12:17
Don't know how accordians work, but if there's an exhaust port did you try a micro cooling fan there? Air turning the fan generates a voltage and its pretty responsive. Curious if there's a downside that you've already come across though.
Linus Åkesson
Sat 22-Oct-2022 12:44
Don't know how accordians work, but if there's an exhaust port did you try a micro cooling fan there? Air turning the fan generates a voltage and its pretty responsive. Curious if there's a downside that you've already come across though.

One possible downside is that the fan would have to respond equally (or nearly equally) to air flowing into or out of the bellows, whereas I think most fans are optimized for one direction. I also assumed they would have a large threshold of inertia before they start spinning, but I never got around to actually testing or measuring this, so I could certainly be wrong.
Sat 22-Oct-2022 14:37
Nice work! Btw I heard some accordion players today replace the dim chords with perfect 4th’s - more useful in certain types of music
Sat 22-Oct-2022 19:47
You made my week.........My C64 was all joy and you brought it back !!
Sat 22-Oct-2022 21:45
May I ask, are you planning on releasing a recording of your rendition of the Maple Leaf Rag? I found it to be quite a lovely cover!
Sun 23-Oct-2022 09:58
Please perform The Enterntainer with this. It have loved it always.. the first time when I heard it happens in late of 80's and it was performed using a regular C64 and SID.
Sun 23-Oct-2022 10:19
The quarantine was worth it.
Sun 23-Oct-2022 13:48
Just awesome. Thank you!
Sun 23-Oct-2022 18:40
You gave a new life to a piece of hardware dude! Awesome
Sun 23-Oct-2022 20:53
Great idea and great implementation and your music is just awesome, great respect!
Mon 24-Oct-2022 11:15
One of my favourite projects ever. Thanks a lot for writing this extensive article! The YouTube video is great partly because of not going into so much detail, and keeping the video at an approachable length for most people. I wanted to know more after I had finished watching it, though, and I'm very glad I could get it!
Mon 24-Oct-2022 19:31
Просто супер! Восхищаюсь Вашим изобретением
Mon 24-Oct-2022 20:03
I'm completely speechless. it's awesome.
Mon 24-Oct-2022 22:53
Una maravilla! me encantaría tener un Comodorión para mis espectáculos con niños, yo también toco el acordeón pero el diatónico y hago música con una ganeboy al modo chiptune en Soundclub me llamo Bravuboy y te puedes descargar todos los temas que hice gratis, eres un genio!! Felicidades!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Mi nombre es Pulpiño Viascón, un fuerte abrazo desde el otro lado del Atlántico.
Tue 25-Oct-2022 12:00
This is the most wonderful thing I have seen in a long time. Thank you for making my day!
Tue 25-Oct-2022 21:16
It's brutifull!!!
Tue 25-Oct-2022 23:58
I am impressed not only with the ingenuity of the design, but with your skill in playing it. Between the large amount of time you undoubtedly have had to spend tweaking it and the small amount of time you have actually had a working model, you have found time to learn to play it proficiently, technically and musically. Bravo!
Wed 26-Oct-2022 03:31
FYI, I tried to set up an account to post and got “ A database error occured! Sorry for the inconvenience.”


Is it my imagination or is there a tremolo or pitch bending effect? Is there a modifier key for that or is it always on and most of the notes in the piece you played too short for it?
Wed 26-Oct-2022 11:47
Thank you. I love this and you made my day! I miss my c64. 😭
Linus Åkesson
Wed 26-Oct-2022 19:41
FYI, I tried to set up an account to post and got “ A database error occured! Sorry for the inconvenience.”

This should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting it!

Is it my imagination or is there a tremolo or pitch bending effect? Is there a modifier key for that or is it always on and most of the notes in the piece you played too short for it?

Yes, an automatic vibrato kicks in after about one second. This is a feature of Qwertuoso, and it can be turned on or off. In my Vocalise video, for instance, I keep it on for most of the piece but turn it off for the final note.
Fri 28-Oct-2022 20:04
Best music ideas always come from Sweden, you made my day :-)

Sat 29-Oct-2022 16:18
In the US, you would be Thomas Edison.

Such incredible work!

The Commodordion

Bruce Triggs
Sun 30-Oct-2022 01:03
Do you play C-system chromatic button accordion layout? Is that most common in Sweden? So many people just learning that those 🪗s map to their computer keyboards! Now build an accordion that runs Commodore 64 programs.
Mon 31-Oct-2022 01:50
This is absurd, I'm positively stunned.
Mon 31-Oct-2022 18:33
How much does it weigh? How many preset rhythm tracks can it store?
Mon 31-Oct-2022 23:20
I thought i heard some vibrato in the performance of Maple Leaf Rag, how did you control that?

(Also i love the commodordion and want to make one of my own now lmao)