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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Dec 2012

The lampslide

Sat 1-Dec-2012 16:14
Very good idea. I have a friend who needs this sort of thing so she can move her kitchen table and have the chandelier centered wherever the table goes. I don't want to build one, so do you sell them? Write me at drogcl@aol.com. Thanks.


Sat 1-Dec-2012 20:59
Nice! :)

(fortune cookie)

Sun 2-Dec-2012 04:24

Making the Chipophone

Mon 3-Dec-2012 01:16
owning a chipophone would be the greatest thing i ever dreamed for! you should REALLY consider to build and sell units...
Mon 3-Dec-2012 08:13
This may well be the best thing I have ever seen, in my life.

Where do I sign to sell my soul for one?


Thu 6-Dec-2012 23:00
Very interesting stuff.

I have tried many levels here and all of the levels mentioned above by others, they all seem a bit on the easy side.

I wish it can generate really difficult levels.
I do mean, super difficult levels.

Mina rim är som lim på ditt skinn (texten)

Fri 7-Dec-2012 19:15
wah king äru!

The bitbuf

Fri 14-Dec-2012 00:56
If you can price it for under £50 I think you'll make a shed load of money!!


Sun 16-Dec-2012 04:27
Hi Linus
I tried to open your ift-phosor-src but I can't seem to open it.
After extracting using 7Zip the file shows an extension of "file" and that seems to be wrong. can you put the files in another format or post to Github or Google code?

I am very keen to have a look at your code and files as what you have achieved is amazing.
PS - Where did you get the crystal?
Denis in Oz

About me

Mon 17-Dec-2012 16:39
You're certainly a smart dude, I can only wish I had the drive to do all the stuff that you do.
Keep on keeping on!

Think Twice III

Mon 17-Dec-2012 16:51
Wow, this brought back some good memories. When I was a kid I played the demo over and over again.
I had forgotten about it since then up until now. I can't describe how happy I am now that I have found it again.
Kudos to you for building such a nice chipofone, mastering the tune and Jeroen for composing it in the first place.

Live at LCP 2011

Thu 20-Dec-2012 21:25
Great , like it !
Also great lff performance !
Gtx JG of IFT

Kernighan's lever

Sat 22-Dec-2012 00:10
If this is all true, a perfect solution would be to debug the program 10 years after you've wrote it...

However, you will be tempted to rewrite it because after those years the code will be rated down into the boring area, so you'll need another 10 years to wait to debug it.
Linus Åkesson
Sat 22-Dec-2012 14:09
If this is all true, a perfect solution would be to debug the program 10 years after you've wrote it...

No, that's completely contrary to my point. Was I really that unclear?

Work at your current capacity for ten years and your skills will improve only slightly. Spend ten years trying, with great effort, to work beyond your current capacity, and your skills will improve a lot. The tricky part is motivating yourself to spend that effort. This is common knowledge.

My article is about how software developers get this motivation for free by writing clever code.

The Chipophone

Sat 22-Dec-2012 18:41
I Also would like to make one myself


Gerard Braad
Mon 24-Dec-2012 05:29
would love to have the schematics for the mini-board and source files. I think they can be helpful for the C-one and Turbo Chameleon community.
Mon 24-Dec-2012 08:47
[quote="utzig"One thing which is not very clear is why you chose Verilog and not VHDL.

Verilog is easier and quicker to get results...

Kernighan's lever

Max Porshnev
Tue 25-Dec-2012 13:34

lft wrote:

Spend ten years trying, with great effort, to work beyond your current capacity, and your skills will improve a lot.
A famous russian singer <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Vysotsky">Владимир Высоцкий</a> had a song about that: "лучше гор могут быть только горы, на которых ещё не бывал". The song is called "Прощание с горами".

The TTY demystified

Sun 30-Dec-2012 09:26
Thank you very much for this great article!


Max Porshnev
Sun 30-Dec-2012 12:56
Wanna build a custom sid emulator and replace the waveform specially for this tune. Unfortunately can't upload a sound file, so trying to describe the waveform in a few words: each halfwave is an arc of a circle; on zero-crosses the arc has 45° tangent line angle, like a sine wave. Sounds not so annoying as triangle wave, but still has many harmonics.

The hardware chiptune project

Mon 31-Dec-2012 08:05
Is there tracker for Windows in the world?
Project is great :)