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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Jul 2024

The Commodordion

Mon 8-Jul-2024 19:23


Tue 9-Jul-2024 03:56
More than a dozen years have passed. HVSC song count has increased by nearing 50%. 58,697 now officially on the site. Would love to see you re-run the stats and graphs since new SID creation variants and versions have come out. With a dozen years more experience l would be curious if you could relocate even higher percentage. I know Ian Coog has some ideas. Would also love to see a more readable breakdown of the 0 page usage. The graph is hard to make use of.

Live at Fjälldata 2024

Sat 13-Jul-2024 21:05
Just saw that video.
So cool.
But it was apparently a small meeting.
I wish I had known about it beforehand and could have been there.
But it would have been a longer way from Germany.


Mon 15-Jul-2024 20:00
Is the Amiga binary available for download?
+1 I'd love to add this to my studio :)
Linus Åkesson
Tue 16-Jul-2024 20:27
Is the Amiga binary available for download?

Not at the moment, but perhaps in the future. I'd like to use it for some of my own projects first though.

An AVR Programmer for the C64

Fri 19-Jul-2024 12:41
If not having a c64, trying to use gpio ports on a pc could be fun as well. You could find existing gpios in a pc or laptop and bring them out of the case to then be able to do gpio stuff if needed. ;)

Bach Forever

Fri 19-Jul-2024 12:47
I liked it a lot, I love Bach's music soo much. And your website is a bit more ambitious than mine. :-) L3P3.de

An AVR Programmer for the C64

Sat 20-Jul-2024 07:28
One morning when I woke up my fridge was warm. Managed to by-pass the thermostat and cobble together a temporary replacement using and old laptop, a temperature probe and a USB-controlled power outlet. Worked until I managed to get a new thermostat. Since then, my wife has been much less negative on me keeping "nice to haves".

Solving problems MacGyver gives you a nice warm feeling in your stomach.

GCR decoding on the fly

Wed 24-Jul-2024 08:14
I feel like I'm late to the party, especially because I've met Linus on several Revision parties since he published this article. While browsing the web for IEC bus and 1541 programming, I came across this, and what a WOW! moment!

I especially like the idea of using the stack as your block buffer, keeping registers free and having yet another pointer available. This, along with all the other tricks really make this a piece of art. If anyone is looking for a definition of out-of-the-box-thinking, link to this article.

Jens Schönfeld / iComp


Thu 25-Jul-2024 20:25
+1 for DL
Adam Sampson
Fri 26-Jul-2024 02:52
That's a neat design! I wonder whether anybody's tried the same as a left-hand layout for accordion? There are certainly accordions that use fifths and thirds, but I don't know of any that combine both.

The Shepard-tone technique is used in some Hammond organs, where it's called "harmonic foldback" - the electromechanical tone generator doesn't have enough outputs to provide all 9 harmonics for the whole keyboard, so some harmonics have to wrap around with attenuation. If you pull out just the top four drawbars on a B3/C3, then the top octave works like your layout here - any inversion of a chord within that octave sounds the same, and you can play endlessly ascending/descending sequences.

An AVR Programmer for the C64

Sun 28-Jul-2024 21:03
I've been following your projects since 2008. It's amazing! Greetings from Ukraine.