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Mar 2008

A case against syntax highlighting

Mon 10-Mar-2008 12:07
The natural flow of the text is broken, and it takes more brain effort to piece together the individual letters into words and semantics. Cognitively, the reading process becomes slightly less automatic and slightly more conscious; leaving less room in the conscious part of the mind for actually understanding the text.
First of all, the brain processes colours with one side and understands text with the other, so you're just using both sides of the brain in stead of just one. The only "bad" thing about it is that you use more energy, but that doesn't mean it takes more time to figure out what the code does. On the other side you find the bug a lot faster so overall you save energy.
/*Second, try this piece of C code:
void main(void)
int d, d, ad;
printf("%d%d", dd, ad);
/*or PHP:*/
$pet_name = 'Pet name';
$info->name = "{$pet->name}: {$pet->name}<br />";
//in stead of
$info->name = "{$pet_name}: {$pet->name}<br />";
/*If you have previously defined both $pet (object) and $pet_name (string), you might not notice that -> is an operator. Maybe you didn't do it, but someone before you did, there's a bug in the program and now you have to find it.
It's probably hard to find where my code starts and where it ends because you don't highlight comments.*/

In the C program, there's a /* without an ending */ before void main(void). The /* may be 50 lines above and your compiler keeps complaining there's no main() function, but you can swear there is because you see it.



Fri 28-Mar-2008 19:31
I bow down in awe and wonder. This is just amazing...
Sat 29-Mar-2008 05:23
"The MOSI pin is connected to a shift register internally in the AVR ... and this shift register can be programmed to emit a sequence of 8 bits with a single instruction, thus offloading the CPU."

Hey, that's a *really* neat trick--makes me wonder what I could use that for. :-)

--Phil. (http://code.rancidbacon.com/)
Sun 30-Mar-2008 10:29
Fantastic work! You really deserved the victory at BP! :)
Mon 31-Mar-2008 10:46
Great! Best I've done on AVR was 4-chn 20kHz MOD-player, no graphics there ...
Mon 31-Mar-2008 13:03
Great job on the article! Congratulations for being posted on Make!

The pot plant monitor

Mon 31-Mar-2008 14:43
While I quite like the idea of the plant monitor, I wonder what the effects of the sensor will be on the system.
Current flows. Electrolysis will happen. The electrodes will dissolve over time. There's a magnetic field, etc.


Mon 31-Mar-2008 15:01
You brought back such wonderful nostalgic memories for me.
A job really well done. :-D
Mon 31-Mar-2008 16:13
Seriously awesome work! Bet there isn't a free word left!

Mon 31-Mar-2008 16:41
Great job! That gives to me a lot of good memories about the 80's computering styles.
Mon 31-Mar-2008 21:23
Really great old school demo :)

Thumbs Up !!!

Keep going, it's really awesome !!!!
Mon 31-Mar-2008 22:18
Great work! Nice to realize again how much can be done with a simple 8-bit processor.