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Jun 2012

The bitbuf

Sat 2-Jun-2012 16:32
Please sell this as a kit, or post the schematics this is a lovely invention


Mon 4-Jun-2012 17:14
Wow, splendid work LFT!

However, I'm trying to relocate a song from $1000 to $c000. It's only like 9 pages but the tool bugs out on me:

sidreloc -p c0 -v tune_at_1000.sid tune_at_c000.sid
blablabla, $1000-$190b, 1 subtunes
Relocating from $1000-$59ff to $c000-$09ff
sidreloc: Neither the source nor the destination relocation range may overlap with the zero-page.

In the source I spotted the snippet below, but I don't get why you always add 64 pages. Some kind of safety zone?

for(i = 0; i < 64 && reloc_end != 0xcfff && reloc_end != 0xffff; i++) {
reloc_end += 0x100;

P-a Bäckström

The TTY demystified

David Blackman
Mon 4-Jun-2012 17:16
Can you explain why sometimes my terminal gets diseased, and the line I'm typing overwrites itself, or the cursor is in the wrong place, or similar symptoms? is there a way to fix it?


Mon 4-Jun-2012 17:17
I should add that it works as intended if I specify the range with the -r option.'

More regards
P-a Bäckström

The TTY demystified

Mon 4-Jun-2012 19:11
Love the article, but I did have a comment -- namely that I wouldn't describe the DEC VT100 as solid state because of its CRT. Again, though, the article is great! Thanks!

Pipe Logic

Mon 4-Jun-2012 20:32
This is mind-boggling. Very nice work indeed!
Posted by @aruslan

The bitbuf

Mon 4-Jun-2012 20:51

Pipe Logic

Mon 4-Jun-2012 22:25
with unlimited memory, infinite computers, within one another, could occur.

Each nested computer uses more resources to perform the same work as the outer computer. Contrary to the implication of unlimited memory, you will eventually be constrained to the pointer where you will have insufficient memory to nest further.
Mon 4-Jun-2012 22:44
So you used some hundred million REAL transistors to build a handful of virtual ones? :)

A case against syntax highlighting

Tue 5-Jun-2012 05:02
In "C", highlighting the braces {} can help when you are looking at someone elses code. Depending on what I'm doing, it would be nice to have some buttons on the editor to quickly enable/disable highlighting various things. I sure wouldn't want everything thing possible turned on and have a rainbow of colors...because it would makes things far worse!!!

The pot plant monitor

Tue 5-Jun-2012 05:07
Does the input of your microcontroller have a Schmitt Trigger?

The TTY demystified

Tue 5-Jun-2012 07:20
Absolutely terrific!

A case against syntax highlighting

Tue 5-Jun-2012 14:07
Syntax highlighting is eye candy, that's why I like it.

Every so often I end up in an environment without it, reading the same old languages that I always do. I am no longer surprised at how monochrome code is just as easy to read as colourful code.

It is however less colourful, which is why whenever I find that VIM syntax highighting is broken, I fix it as quick as possible.

The TTY demystified

Tue 5-Jun-2012 19:07
That brings back old memories. The TTY shown is from the 1940's were 5 bit rather than the later 8 bit (really 7 bit plus parity) machines seen in the late 60's and 70's. Next retro core memory come back.

RC Roeder


Tue 5-Jun-2012 20:32
Fantastic tool!

The extended end address poses a few problems though. The extended area isn't allowed to overlap zp so relocating to high addresses (under kernal) usually fails.

Note also that your particular example of Zoids is already relocated in HVSC (as are probably many others). The original player is at $c500.

Tue 5-Jun-2012 20:34
...and I should add that my first point was exactly what P-A reported before me. :)


The TTY demystified

Wed 6-Jun-2012 03:02
Fantastic! awesome article you should think about to write a book or something, It clarified me some things, even having 5+ years of Unix experience.

Al Mejida.

The bitbuf

Wed 6-Jun-2012 03:40
I want one now!!
Thu 7-Jun-2012 09:48
Wow, amazing stuff. Please make a kit or post the schematics!!! I would love to use this unit live. Can it be MIDI synced?

The TTY demystified

Tue 12-Jun-2012 18:59
Thanks a lot for writing this!

A case against syntax highlighting

Wed 13-Jun-2012 23:54
Wow, this is a long-lived thread.

I'm not sure who invented it, but the first paper on colour syntax highlighting I can find is here:

Van Laar, D. (1989). Evaluating a Colour Coding Programming Support
Tool. People and Computers V. A. Sutcliffe and L. Macaulay. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press.


The paper showed that when colour coded syntax was applied it led to faster completion of tasks which involved visually scanning code.

Bit banger

Ralph Willekes
Thu 14-Jun-2012 14:36
Done, works great! :)

Most people like it, even those who have never heard of the words scene, demo or the combination of those words. Thanks for the layout!

Binary Art

Mon 18-Jun-2012 13:57
a|0>+b|1> - My position i cannot decide, therefore I will take all forms within my range. ~ A lonely Quantum bit


Tue 19-Jun-2012 06:17
Very impressed. Thanks for posting this.


Wed 20-Jun-2012 22:40

Beagleboard VGA output

Thu 21-Jun-2012 14:21
In the new beagle board-xm revision C J4 & J5 are called P11 & P13 instead... Please take a note of this. Check the BB's Rev C manual not generic one here...

Bit banger

Thu 28-Jun-2012 01:03
I think you included a schematic but you forgot to include part values. I would be very much obliged to you if you could include some labeling so I can build this wonderful project.